Es curioso hasta donde se puede llegar tirando de un hilo por internet. Nos hemos encontrado con el blog de Anna Ginsberg, de curioso nombre, Cookie Madness, y que, como es de suponer, se centra en los postres. Y nos hemos encontrado con él, porque ha publicado una entrada en la que nos habla del Pastel vasco. En esta entrada nos cuenta cómo descubrió hace una semana esta receta y de cómo ha investigado para acaban decidiéndose a experimentar con tres recetas:
- La de Dorie Greenspan en NPR (La Radio Publica de USA, a la que ya hemos citado en más ocasiones). Publicada el mismo día de Navidad.
- La de Amanda Rockman compartida en un blog llamado Lottie and Doof.
- la de Gale Gand en Food Network.
Tirando del hilo que nos ofrecía la entrada de Anna Ginsberg, hemos descubierto cómo en Chicago, el Pastel Vasco – Gateau Basque, se ha situado, con autoridad, entre los grandes postres de la ciudad, gracias a la labor de chef Amanda Rockman, en los diferentes restaurantes donde ha trabajado, Destaca en este “asunto” el restaurante The Bristol, que resulta ser un afamado y valorado restaurante, donde nuestro pastel sigue estando presente, a pesar de que Amanda Rockman haya decidido encaminarse a otras aventuras gastronómicas.
Pero lo que queda claro es que esta postre vasco, ha causado sensación y que ha llegado a Chicago, para quedarse. Y para corroborarlo, junto a la entrada de Anna Ginsberg, que cuenta con todo lujo de detalles cómo hacer sabrosos pasteles vascos, les dejamos las recetas, y algunas referencias de críticos al poste de The Bristol.
Cookie Madness – 4/8/2o14 – USA
A Review of Basque Cake Recipes aka Basque Cake Madness

Up until last week I’d never heard of Basque cake, but someone brought it to my attention and I have become a little obsessed. For those of you unfamiliar with “gateau Basque”, it is a Basque pastry comprised of a round, thick, dense cake encasing a filling that is usually made with fresh preserves, pastry cream or almonds.
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Lottie and Doof – 3/4/2014 – USA
Lottie + Doof + Amanda Rockman. The Basque cake
Recently there has been some discussion about pastry chefs and their importance in restaurant kitchens. You know by now that I consider dessert to be the most important part of any meal, and I stand in solidarity with pastry chefs and their kin. I want to spend some time this year highlighting my favorite pastry makers and bakers in Chicago, because they are amazing and have a lot to teach home bakers.
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NPR – 24/12/2009 -USA
Gateau Basque: A Perfect Cake For The Holidays
Gateau Basque is kind of like a tart, or a pie, or a cookie — and the filled cake is one of the more unusual desserts in cookbook author Dorie Greenspan’s repertoire. “It’s a dry cake, but delicious,” she tells NPR’s Michele Norris. “I’m always a little afraid to use the word ‘dry’ with a cake, because it sounds like a fault, but in this cake, it’s not at all.” But it’s a great cake to make for the holidays because it’s sturdy and easy to transport and can be eaten at any time of day.
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Food Network – – USA
Basque Cake with Cherry Preserves
Place an oven rack in the middle of the oven. Preheat the oven to 325 degrees F. Butter a 10-inch cake pan or spring-form pan. In a mixer with a whip attachment, beat the butter until creamy. Gradually beat in the sugar until light and fluffy. Add the eggs, 1 at a time, beating well after each addition. Beat in the vanilla extract.
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Time Out Chicago -26/1/2011- USA
David Tamarkin tries the new desserts at The Bristol
t’s been a few weeks since I first tasted the Basque cake Amanda Rockman put on the Bristol’s dessert menu, and let me tell you something: The pangs, they don’t go away. In the time since my meal, I’ve thought about Chris Pandel’s deceptively simple salads (a light and crunchy combination of sunchoke and chicory), as well as all the things he’s doing with goat.
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Youtube – 19/3/2012 – USA
Something You Should Eat: Basque Cake at The Bristol
Amanda Rockman is one of Chicago’s up-and-coming pastry chefs, and her Basque Cake at The Bristol has quickly become her signature. Get thy ass over to Bucktown and try one for yourself.
Last Updated on Ago 4, 2014 by About Basque Country
Valora en Es curioso hasta donde se puede llegar tirando de un hilo por internet. Nos hemos encontrado con el blog de Anna Ginsberg, de curioso nombre, Cookie Madness, y que, como es de suponer, se centra en los postres. Y nos