Eric Asimov gure blogeko eta gure ohiko irakurleen ezaguna da, berak jakin ez arren.

2010ean, ia gure ibilbide digitala hasi berri, gure harridurarako, New York Times-en artikulu bat aurkitu genuen, euskal sagardoa goresten zuena. Gainera, Esker Emate Egunari buruzko artikulu batean egiten zuen, non sagardoak zeregin nagusia baitu iparramerikarren mahaian.

Lau urte geroago, 2014. urtean, artikulu handi bat oparitu zigun irakurleei Pirinioen iparraldean ekoizten diren euskal ardo batzuei buruz hitz egiten: Iroulรฉguyko ardoak. Artikulu honetan, euskal mahastizaintzako eta ardogintzako eskualde horretako ardoetako bat nola aurkitu zen kontatzen zen, eta ยซeutsi ezinezkotzatยป jo zuen.

Uste dugu New Yorkeko kritikari honi eskerrak emateko adinako eskarmentua duela. Baina urte guzti hauetan gure herrialdeko upeltegietako gauza miragarriak idazten jarraitu zuen eta guk ez genuen horren berri izan.

Zorionez, gaur iritsi zaigu ยซDama grisยปean argitaratutako bere artikulu bat, urtarrilaren 28an bertan argitaratua. Mundu osoan zehar bidai bat egitera gonbidatzen gaitu bertan, AEBn 20$ baino merkeago eros daitezkeen ardoen sorta baten bidez. Gauza bakarra komunean duten 11 herrialdeetako 20 ardo dira: ยซbalio handia eskaintzeaz gain, ekoitzi zituzten tokien zaporea ere transmititzen duteยป.

Ardo-sorta horri esker jakin ahal izan dugu Asimovek kalitate handiko ardoen zerrendak argitaratzea tradizioa dela, guztiak 20$ baino gutxiago balio dutenak. Hori dela eta, euskal ardoei buruz idatzi dituen erreferentzia ugari aurkitu ahal izan ditugu.

Beraz, aipatutako euskal ardoak eta horiek agertzen diren artikulua errepasatuko ditugu.

Hori bai, Eric Asimovi euskal ardoak probatzen eta gomendatzen jarraitzera animatzen duguโ€ฆ altxor asko ditu deskubritzeko.

New York Times – 2021/1/28 – AEB

Xarmant 2019 – Arabako Txakolina $19.99

Txakolinaย is the wine of Spanish Basque Country. It has developed a following in the United States over the last 15 years, and why not? Itโ€™s brisk and refreshing, and is a great match for fresh fish and shellfish, or simply as an aperitif.

(Jarraitu) (Itzulpen automatikoa)

New York Times – 2020/10/15 – AEB

Camino 2019- Getariako Txakolinaย  $18.99

This lightly sparkling wine, made entirely of the local hondarrabi zuri grape, comes from Basque Country in Spain. Itโ€™s delicate but intense, crisp and bracing. As you drink it, you can almost feel the stiff salt breeze blowing in off the Atlantic. Itโ€™s just the thing for oysters, clams and other light seafood preparations, or maybe for an aperitif.

(Jarraitu) (Itzulpen automatikoa)

New York Times – 2020/1/30 – AEB

Viรฑa Zorzal – Navarra Garnacha 2017 $10.99

This fragrant, floral red, made from old-vine garnacha, is one of the best deals I have seen in a while. Itโ€™s lively and spicy, and while not especially complex, itโ€™s fresh, juicy and offers unexpected nuances. Serve lightly chilled.

(Jarraitu) (Itzulpen automatikoa)

New York Times – 2018/5/17 – AEB

Domaine Ilarriaย Iroulรฉguy 2014 $19.99

Iโ€™ve long been smitten with the wines ofย Iroulรฉguy, a tiny region in the beautiful Basque country in the extreme southwest of France. Domaine Ilarria, one of my favorite producers, makes a great rosรฉ, and this superb, lithe, earthy red, made primarily of tannat and cabernet franc, with a bit of cabernet sauvignon. Peio Espil, who started Ilarria in the 1980s, follows a hands-off style of farming and winemaking, yet his wines are always precise, detailed and solid. (A Thomas Calder Selection/Moonlight Wine, New York)

(Jarraitu) (Itzulpen automatikoa)

New York Times – 2016/6/22 – AEB

Antxiola rosado 2016. Getariako Txakolinaย  $16.99

Txakolinaย is the refreshing wine of choice in the Basque region of northern Spain, and has proved resoundingly popular in the United States, especially the rosรฉs. The Antxiola, pale salmon in color, smells like red berries and is mildly effervescent. On the palate, however, the wine tastes as if the grapes, grown on the southern edge of the Bay of Biscay, were hit by blasts of salt sea air. At just 11 percent alcohol, this would be a good lunch wine.

(Jarraitu) (Itzulpen automatikoa)

New York Times – 2015/10/22 – AEB

Domaine Ilarria Rosรฉ 2014 Iroulรฉguyย  $19.99

This is one of my favorite rosรฉs. Peio Espil farms his limestone hillside vineyard in the extreme southwest of France with meticulous care and works in the cellar as naturally as possible. The result is a rosรฉ the color of pale blood, rich with the elemental flavors of iron and minerals. A summer wine? This is a cold-weather rosรฉ if ever there was one, and it will improve with aging.

(Jarraitu) (Itzulpen automatikoa)

Last Updated on Ots 7, 2021 by About Basque Country

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