The Telegraph egunkari britainiarrak erreferentzia ugari ditugu gure blogean, baina denboraditxo bat generaman honen artikulurik aipatu gabe. Gaur, bi erreportai zabal bilduko ditugu, irakurleek hobeto ezagut ditzaten eta bi euskal hiri bisitatzeko antolatu daitezen: Bilbo eta Donostia.

Zer egin, zer bisitatu, non jan, non lo egin… galdera ugari egiten ditugu hiri bat bisitatzea erabakitzen dugunean. Marti Buckley, gure blogeko beste «aspaldiko» ezagun bat da bi artikulu hauen egilea, eta, zalantzarik gabe, «euskaldunen lagun» on bat. Bi artikulu horietan, euskal hiri horietako bat edo biak bisitatu nahi dituzten irakurleei argitzen dizkie zalantza horiek.

Marti Buckleyri eskerrak eman nahi dizkiogu, bisitari batek gure herrialdean aurki dezakeena hain ondo deskribatzeagatik. Halaber, irakurleei eta baita «bertokoei» ere, artikulu honi minutu batzuk zuzentzea gomendatu nahi diegu, «kanpoaldea» ondo ezagutzen duen norbaiten begiradak beti ematen baitigu zerbait berria.


The Telegraph – 2019/9/2 – Britainia Handia

48 hours in . . . San Sebastián, an insider guide to the Spanish beach town turned Michelin hotspot

The mountains of the Basque Country frame San Sebastián, the coastal resort town where a love for food borders on obsession CREDIT: SAMAEL334
The mountains of the Basque Country frame San Sebastián, the coastal resort town where a love for food borders on obsession CREDIT: SAMAEL334

There is no better spot to eat in Spain than San Sebastián. It’s a brash statement, but if anyone can make it, it’s the food-obsessed Basques that populate this dazzling coastal town. With the second-most Michelin stars per capita and a respectable claim to the title of most bars per person, this is a glutton’s heaven. The Basques have even invented a novel way of eating – hopping from bar to bar, standing up, and sampling bite-size bits of culinary art, aka, the pintxo.

(Jarraitu) (Itzulpen automatikoa)

The Telegraph – 2019/10/31 – Britainia Handia

48 hours in. . . Bilbao, an insider guide to a global art destination with grit

Travellers come to Bilbao for its burgeoning art scene and Basque cuisine CREDIT: COPYRIGHT (C) 2019 ALBERTO POMARES (COPYRIGHT (C) 2019 ALBERTO POMARES (PHOTOGRAPHER) - [NONE]/APOMARES
Travellers come to Bilbao for its burgeoning art scene and Basque cuisine CREDIT: COPYRIGHT (C) 2019 ALBERTO POMARES (COPYRIGHT (C) 2019 ALBERTO POMARES (PHOTOGRAPHER) – [NONE]/APOMARES
What would Bilbao be without the Guggenheim? The Frank Gehry masterpiece of a museum may have brought the city worldwide fame, but it remains just a single block in the Basque Country’s largest cosmopolitan area. Bilbao’s history as an industrial centre permeates its present, infusing the city with a matter-of-factness and a no-nonsense attitude, but the post-museum evolution was a letting down of hair, leading to a burgeoning art scene. This scene fused inextricably with the signature Basque dedication to the table, from the pintxo bar to the charcoal grill.

(Jarraitu) (Itzulpen automatikoa)


Last Updated on Abe 21, 2020 by About Basque Country

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