Itzultzailea: Eneco Bihurlary


Orain bi urte berba egin genuen folk talde bati buruz, Dublin eta Bilbo artean bizi baita, eta izan baitzen aurkikuntza handia guretzat.  Harry Bird and the Rubber Wellies taldeaz ari gara. 

Noiz edo behin aurkituak genituen haiei buruzko erreferentziak hainbat hedabidetan. Beraz, gaur, haien kontzertu bati buruzko erreferentzia berriro aurkitu dugunean, ez gara geldi egon. Besteak beste, asko gustatzen zaigulako nolako doinua duten.

Papa Delta-k sinatutako kritika da, The Croydon Citizen-en argitaratua Croydon-go (Londres Handian) Oval Tavern-en emandako kontzertuaz. Argi dago jendeari asko gustatu zitzaiola eta gainera euskaraz abesti bat emanez hasi ziren. Detaile polita.

Hortaz, guztiokin partekatzen dugu informazioa eta haien musika bikainaren pixka bat. Bideoan jasotzen den abestian, ziur nago ezagun zaizuela esaten dutena.

Goza dezazuela

Bidenabar, haien musika gustuko baduzue, haien webgunean eros dezakezue.



The Croydon Citizen – 22/5/2015 – Gran Bretaña

Event review: Harry Bird and the Rubber Wellies at the Oval Tavern, Thursday 14th May

Harry Bird and the Rubber Wellies was the main bill at the Oval Tavern, Croydon on Thursday 14th May, one of their regular ‘pay what you can’ folk events…. Following the Worry Dolls, Harry Bird and the Rubber Wellies took to the stage. Their full, frequently-changing line up consists of ten members, who would, had they all been at the Oval, filled the stage several times over. Tonight Harry Bird, on acoustic guitar, was just accompanied by the versatile Christophe Capewell. As soon as Harry, with his soft Scottish accent, introduced their first number, a song in Basque, you knew that this was going to be an interesting set

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Harry Bird & the Rubber Wellies // “Link For My Chain”


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Last Updated on Abe 21, 2020 by About Basque Country

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