Carlos Laorden, investigador de la Universidad de Deusto, ha presentado un sistema de inteligencia artificial especialmente diseñado para simular ser una niña de 14 años y  participar en las salas de chats donde suelen actuar los depredadores sexuales y pedófilos.

El objetivo: detectarlos y permitir de esa manera que puedan ser detenidos por la policia.

Phys-11/7/2013- USA

A virtual ‘Lolita’ on the hunt for paedophiles


Children have come to make up a significant proportion of the active users of the Internet, but the presence of paedophiles marks them out as potential victims of abuse. With the aim of preventing such abuse, Spanish researchers have created a computer programme capable of passing for a fourteen-year-old girl to detect these predators in chats and social networks. The Ertzaintza (Basque Country police force) has already shown its interest in Negobot, as the fake victim is named.

(Sigue) (Traducción automática)


BBC – 11/7/2013 – Gran Bretaña

‘Virtual Lolita’ aims to trap chatroom paedophiles

Negobot uses artificial intelligence (AI) software to chat realistically and mimic the language used by teenagers. The “virtual Lolita” starts off neutral but will adopt any of seven personalities according to the intensity of interactions. Experts say it can help overburdened police but may risk trapping people unfairly.

(Sigue) (Traducción automática)


Krone – 11/7/2013 – Austria

“Virtuelle Lolita” macht Jagd auf Pädophile im Netz

Informatiker der Universität Deusto im spanischen Bilbao haben eine “virtuelle Lolita” entwickelt, die Pädophile im Internet aufspüren soll. Die Software, ein sogenannter Chatbot, gibt sich dafür als 14- jähriges Mädchen aus, um in täuschend echten Gesprächen an Informationen ihres virtuellen Gegenübers zu gelangen.

(Sigue) (Traducción automática)


Word Sciencie – 11/7/2013 – USA

“Virtual schoolgirl” designed to trap online perverts

A new com­put­er pro­gram sim­u­lates a girl in or­der to catch pe­dophiles lurk­ing on­line. Span­ish re­search­ers de­vised the “bot” to pose as a 14-year-old girl in chats and so­cial net­works. The Basque Coun­try po­lice force has al­ready shown in­ter­est in Ne­gobot, as the fake vic­tim is named, ac­cord­ing to the re­search­ers.“Chat­bots tend to be very pre­dict­a­ble. Their be­hav­ior and in­ter­est in a con­versa­t­ion are flat, which is a prob­lem,” said Car­los Laor­den of the Uni­vers­ity of Deusto, one of the de­vel­op­ers. Ne­gobot in­stead “em­ploys game the­o­ry to main­tain a much more real­is­tic con­versa­t­ion,” var­y­ing its be­hav­ior over the course of a chat.

(Sigue) (Traducción automática)


Meio Bit – 10/7/2013 – Brasil

Inteligência artificial passa-se por garota de 14 anos para caçar predadores na internet

O projeto iniciou-se na Universidade de Deusto (de Bilbau, no País Basco, Espanha), em função da preocupação com a presença crescente de crianças na internet e o limitado sucesso nas maneiras tradicionais de combater predadores virtuais.Conhecido como “agente de conversação”, o programa usa um processo conhecido como teoria dos jogos para simular o comportamento de uma menina. Ele inclusive lembra o que foi conversado antes, e quando, para convencer o suspeito de que é real.

(Sigue) (Traducción automática)

Last Updated on Jul 12, 2013 by About Basque Country

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