Los medios especializados en el tema energético hablan de este pequeño, y precioso, pueblo costero gipuzkoano. La inauguración de la primera planta comercial de producción electrica aprovechando la fuerza de las olas le está colocando en el centro de atención de  este sector. Se trata de una de las consecuencias prácticas de los proyectos que el Ente Vasco de la Energia (EVE) ha puesto en marcha a lo largo de todos estos años para desarrollar fuentes de energia renovables en el País Vasco.

Schweizer Fernsehen- 8/7/2011 – Suiza

Wellenkraftwerk: Strom aus der Hafenmole

In Mutriku im nordspanischen Baskenland ist das weltweit erste kommerzielle Wellenkraftwerk ans Netz gegangen. Die vom spanischen Energiekonzern EVE (Ente Vasco de la Energia) errichtete Anlage soll rund 250 Haushalte mit Strom versorgen.



Domestic fuel – 8/7/2011 – USA

Spain’s First Wave Power Plant Goes Online

Spain’s first wave power plant has gone into production in the Basque seaport of Mutriku, located between Bilbao and San Sebastian. The Mutriku wave power plant, consisting of 16 units, will generate an estimated 300 kilowatts in power, enough electricity to supply 250 homes. Utility Ente Vasco de la Energia (EVE) inaugurated the wave power plant today in a special event.



SYS-CON  – 8/7/2011 – USA

Milestone in Energy Generating History – World’s First Commercial Wave Power Plant Mutriku Inaugurated

oday, the Basque seaport of Mutriku, located between Bilbao and San Sebastian witnessed a historical day in energy generation history. Utility Ente Vasco de la Energía (EVE) officially inaugurated the Mutriku wave power plant – the first worldwide in commercial operation. Voith Hydro supplied the equipment for Mutriku’s 16 power units that will provide an output of 300 kilowatts in total – electricity sufficient for around 250 homes.



Last Updated on Sep 4, 2015 by About Basque Country

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  1. Información Bitacoras.com…

    Valora en Bitacoras.com: Los medios especializados en el tema energético hablan de este pequeño, y precioso, pueblo costero gipuzkoano. La inauguración de la primera planta comercial de producción electrica aprovechando la fuerza de las olas le e……

  2. “They built up an ever growing population which at first occupied all of Ireland and then spilled over into England.They called these dark haired peoples the Vanir. They were puzzled why the sea peoples were so happy on their rocky islands and did not want to have anything to do with the handsome blond, Rh-positive Norsemen who had arrived thousands of years after the Vanir, and occupied the Norwegian mainland. Mythology has provided us with several legends about the aggressive Aesir attacking the peaceful Vanir whose only desire was to keep the strangers away. Where did the Vanir come from? They were part of an ocean migration, the only known ocean migration of Rh-negative people.Their blood tells the story that they were originally Basques who first hunted in the Basque country and then moved north along the western European islands as far as Finnmark some 10,000 years ago”

  3. The Vanir are the “other” gods, though the exact nature of that otherness has been the subject of much debate. A widely accepted traditional view is that the Vanir represent the gods of a society the Germanic people conquered and assimilated.Just like they were assimilated in rome,ancient greece etc etc….yea i am talkin about ancient basques….why did viking sailors call basque sailors “the vanir”?? hmm

  4. the cromagnons gave rise to the basques, the original white people and original europeans who settled in Atlantis, Egypt, Greece & Rome,troy,sumeria mesopotamia etc & and laid down the foundations of western civilisation. The Basques were the first explorers too, known as the Vanir to the Vikings n settled America n many places many thousands of years before the Vikings did. The Basques have the original European language & the most rh-blood and first settlers to the British isles & Ireland.


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