No nos aburrimos de decirlo: la labor, la entrega y el esfuerzo de los vascos de la diáspora siempre nos dejan impresionados. En esta ocasión traemos una nueva iniciativa nacida de La Federación de Centros Vascos de Norteamérica (NABO) para ayudar a la difusión de los cursos de Euskera que, en Norteamérica, se dan gracias a los programas apoyados por NABO y el Instituto para la Euskaldunización y Alfabetización de Adultos (HABE). Se trata de la web Naboeuskaraz, que podemos conocer con detalle gracias a la información que nos ofrece la extraordinaria web sobre la diáspora y la cultura vasca, Euskalkultura.

No podemos menos que felicitar, una vez más, a todos los que con su esfuerzo consiguen mantener e incluso impulsar la presencia de la Cultura y el Ser vascos en el mundo.

Euskalkultura – 19/12/2011 – Euskadi

Do you want to study Basque in the US or Canada? NABO’s Euskera Website is your starting point

Korrika came to Boise for the first time this year gathering children from Boise's Ikastola and their families (photo

Little by little the number of Basque students in the US, Vancouver and Quebec is growing, thanks to the programs that are supported by NABO (federation of Basque clubs in North America) and HABE. Last July NABO presented a new website in English that supports students in their efforts and offers them a place to meet for anyone who is interested in Basque in either of these countries. The website:, gathers information for students, online lessons, links, news, a chat room, photos, children’s games…and is becoming an active meeting place for Basque-Americans embarking on this adventure. Do you want to meet them? Do you want to be one of them? Here’s the key.

(Sigue) (castellano)

Last Updated on Dic 29, 2011 by About Basque Country

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  1. Información…

    Valora en No nos aburrimos de decirlo: la labor, la entrega y el esfuerzo de los vascos de la diáspora siempre nos dejan impresionados. En esta ocasión traemos una nueva iniciativa nacida de La Federación de Centros Vascos de Nortea……

  2. […] It’s very rewarding as well seeing our work recognized and shared by others. has a very nice article out this morning, where they give all kinds of information about the website, its contents, and how it came to be. The same article was picked up by my friends at About Basque Country Blog, for those of you who would like to read about it in Spanish. […]

  3. “There is much to learn concerning the mythology and the magic-spiritual practices of the Basque peoples. They contain the archetypes from which all the knowledge of the world has emerged. Within the deep knowledge of this people it seems that are hidden the keys to open the secret doors of all the world traditions”

    Christmas,halloween etc exist thanx to us….


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