Itzultzailea: Leire Madariaga
2017ko abenduan, Peter eta Susan Yik, korear jatorriko iparamerikar bik, New Yorken, euskal estiloko sagardotegi bat ireki zutela kontatzen genuen, Brooklyn Cider House.
Gaurkoan, bere izenak dioen bezala eta aurretik aipatu izan dugun gastronomian berezitutako iparamerikar aldizkariak argitaratutako artikulua dakargu: Food & Wine.
Maiatzean, Mike Pomranzek sinatutako artikulua argitaratzen zuten, Ingalaterran bizi den eta euskal sagardotegiak ezagutzen dituen sagardo jakituna. Artikuluan, leku honetan, euskal sagardotegia tradizional bateko esperientzia New Yorken disfrutatzeko aukera daukagula adierazten digu. Berari asko gustatu zaiola dirudi.
Food&Wine – 2018/5/4 – AEB
Brooklyn Cider House Is the Basque Cidery America Needs
Though cider often gets lumped in with beer, thanks to the beverage’s similar alcohol levels and penchant for being yellow and fizzy, good cider is actually far more like wine. This idea isn’t a matter of taste: It comes down to production. Both wine and cider are a fermented fruit juice: wine, grapes; cider, apples. With wine, however, consumers have come to appreciate things like varieties and appellation. Sadly, despite becoming a bit more common, you’re far less likely to see indications like Northern Spy apples and Finger Lakes, New York, on a bottle of cider.
(Jarraitu) (Itzulpen automatikoa)
Last Updated on Abe 21, 2020 by About Basque Country