Dos ejemplos de cĆ³mo la “polĆ©mica” sobre la utilizaciĆ³n, en el Senado, de las lenguas oficiales en el Reino de EspaƱa, estĆ” siendo recogida en los medios de comunicacion internacionales. The Guardian publicĆ³ un artĆculo yĀ The Economist, ha publicado otro, que responde al anterior. Todo ello muy interesante y que ha creado un amplio debate entre los lectores del periĆ³dico britanico. No se lo pierdan.
The Guardian – 19/1/2011 – Gran BretaƱa
Lost in translation? Spanish senators allowed to debate in five languages
The upper chamber of Spain’s parliament has caused controversy by allowing senators to debate in five of the country’s languages, with interpreters employed to turn their words into a tongue they all speak perfectly: Castilian Spanish. (seguir)
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The Economist – 24/1/2011 -Gran BretaƱa
Hablen espaƱol, already
THERE are good reasons to debate what role minority languages should play in the countries where they are found. There are few reasons to be as snide about the question as Giles Tremlett was in the Guardian a few days ago, when Spain started allowing senators to debate in Basque, Valencian, Catalan and Galician: (sigue)
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Last Updated on Dic 19, 2013 by About Basque Country