La Universidad del PaĆ­s Vasco estĆ” estos dĆ­as en las pĆ”ginas de “ciencia” de todo el mundo. La razĆ³n es el trabajo realizado por el “Department of Genetics, Physical Anthropology & Animal Physiology in the Faculty of Science and Technology at the Leioa campus” y su trabajo de genĆ©tica en la necrĆ³polis de Aldaieta (Araba).

Este trabajo, o mejor dicho, sus espectaculares resultados son comentados en medios de comunicaciĆ³n de todo el mundo. ĀæQuiĆ©n dice que solo somos fĆŗtbol y polĆ­tica? DetrĆ”s de todo eso, mejor, encima de eso, hay una sociedad que trabaja y se esfuerza por hacer las cosas dentro del grupo de los mejores. DifĆ­cil encontrar mejor referente que Ć©ste. Zorionak!!

Science Centric – Sofia,Sofia Town,Bulgaria

Reconstruction of the biological history of Aldaieta necropolis

A research team from the Department of Genetics, Physical Anthropology and Animal Physiology in the Faculty of Science and Technology at the Leioa campus of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), and led by Ms Concepcion de la Rua, has reconstructed the history of the evolution of human population and answered questions about history, using DNA extracted from skeleton remains.(+) – Bangkok,Bangkok,Thailand

DNA study reconstructs biological history of Aldaieta necropolis

Washington, April 9 (ANI): Scientists have achieved a significant success in discerning the history of past populations, and answering unresolved questions about them, by studying DNA extracted from skeleton remains.
This breakthrough results from a genetic study that researchers from the Department of Genetics, Physical Anthropology & Animal Physiology in the Faculty of Science and Technology at the Leioa campus of the University of the Basque Country carried out in the necropolis at Aldaieta (Araba), a prime archaeological and historical site. (+)

innovations report – Bad Homburg,Germany

Ancient DNA: reconstruction of the biological history of Aldaieta necropolis

A research team from the Department of Genetics, Physical Anthropology & Animal Physiology in the Faculty of Science and Technology at the Leioa campus of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), and led by Ms ConcepciĆ³n de la RĆŗa, has reconstructed the history of the evolution of human population and answered questions about history, using DNA extracted from skeleton remains.(+)

Last Updated on Abr 10, 2008 by About Basque Country

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