Itzultzailea: Leire Madariaga

Dirudienez, gero eta jakintsu gehiago ari dira Euskal Herriari begira, konkretuki, Euskal Autonomi Erkidegoari, munduan zehar dauden gizarte ezberdinek duten erronkei konponbideak emateko nahian.

Munduan zehar dauden komunikabideek, “Euskal Kasu” edo “Euskal Eredu” horri buruzko artikuluen zerrenda gero eta handiagoa da gure blogean. Gaurkoan, Abu Dhabiko The National egunkarian, Sami Mahroumek, Insead berrikuntza zentruaren zuzendariak idatziriko iritzizko artikulua sartzen dugu. El País-eko artikulu honetan hobeto ezagutu dezakegun “talentu hartze” aditu honen profila eta biografia goraipatu baino ez dugu.

Sami Mahroum, gure herrialdea orain dela urte asko ezagutzen duen adituak, gaurkoan bere ondorioak argitaratu ditu.

Beti adierazten dugun bezala, mota honetako erreflexioek ez digute autokonplazentziara eraman behar, baina hartutako bideak, munduan zehar dauden adituek intereses ikus gaitzatzera eraman gaitu. Honek, esfortsu handiagoa egitera eraman behar gaitu.

The National – 28/8/2017 – Abu Dhabi

How the Basque Country provides intriguing solutions to some of the world’s thorniest challenges

Bernie Sanders, the American presidential hopeful, took inspiration from Denmark to outline his vision for a better America in last year’s election. The European country has income tax reaching 60 per cent on incomes as low as $55,000 (Dh201,000), so American voters might be forgiven for turning their backs on Mr Sanders’s Danish idea. Suffering from lower wages than their counterparts in Denmark, voters in the US did not warm to a candidate who wanted to tax them more, not less. But, like many people around the world, I was sympathetic to Mr Sanders’s progressive ideas. After spending my summer in the Basque Country this year, I now wish Mr Sanders had taken his inspiration from this small autonomous nation within Spain, rather than from northern Europe.

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Last Updated on Abe 21, 2020 by About Basque Country

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