Itzultzailea: Leire Madariaga
Orain dela urte bat adierazten genuen. Microsoft eta Facebookek EEBBak eta Europa lotuko dituen urpeko kable bat zabalduko dute. Virginia Beach eta Sopelanako hondartza lotuko dituen kablea.
Orain, lanak ekainak 12an hasi direla badakigu, 6.600 kilometro baino luzeagoa den kable hau zabaltzen hasi dira.
EEBB eta Europa lotuko duen urpeko kable honen berriak, hedabideetan inpaktu handia izan du. Eta hau, bi arrazoirengatik izan da:
Lehendabizi, urpeko kable honek segunduko 160 terabits eskeiniko dituelako, orain etxeetan dugun internet abiadura baino 16 milioi bider gehiago.
Gainera, hain garrantzitsuak diren enpresa bi hauek, honelako zerbait egiteak, betiko komunikabi enpresetatik aparte zerbait izatearen nahia adierazten digu. Nahiz eta “Marea”k, urpeko kableak, operatzaile bezala Telefonika izango duen.
Telekomunikazio infraestruktura honen sustatzaileek diotenez, helburutzat EEBBak eta Europa, eta baita Afrika, Ekialde Ertaina edota Asiako zentruen artean eraginkorragoa den bidea eskeintzea da.
Orain dela urte bateko informazioan adierazten genuen bezala, komunikabide línea hauen sarrera/irteera puntuak, inguruneari aukera handiak eskeiniko dien erabaki estrategikoak dira.
Orain dela urte bat biltzen genuen informazioaz ari gara berriz ere.
Wired – 26/5/2016 – USA
Facebook and Microsoft Are Laying a Giant Cable Across the Atlantic
Facebook and Microsoft are laying a massive cable across the middle of the Atlantic. Dubbed MAREA—Spanish for “tide”—this giant underwater cable will stretch from Virginia to Bilbao, Spain, shuttling digital data across 6,600 kilometers of ocean. Providing up to 160 terabits per second of bandwidth—about 16 million times the bandwidth of your home Internet connection—it will allow the two tech titans to more efficiently move enormous amounts of information between the many computer data centers and network hubs that underpin their popular online services.
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UStoday – 27/5/2016 -USA
A 4,000 mile undersea cable deal announced Thursday by Microsoft and Facebook is just the latest of a dozen high capacity trans-oceanic cables being built by tech companies to deal with their insatiable demand for bandwidth. The two companies plan to build a cable that will run from Virginia Beach, Va., to a data hub in Bilbao, Spain.
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The Guardian – 26/5/2016 – Gran Bretaña
Facebook and Microsoft to build private internet highway underwater
Facebook and Microsoft are going underwater. The two technology companies announced on Thursday they are to install an undersea cable from the east coast of the US to Spain to help speed up their global internet services. Fast connectivity is particularly important to Facebook, which wants to encourage users across the world to broadcast live video and meet in virtual reality. Both activities can consume vast amounts of bandwidth.
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Last Updated on Abe 21, 2020 by About Basque Country