Itzultzailea: Leire Madariaga

Gïk du izena, eta bai, ardoa da eta urdina. Urdin bizia, zeinekin honen sortzaileek arauak apurtu nahi dituzten, ardoa disfrutatzeko era berriak gazteengana hurbilduz. Sortzaileek bere webgunean baieztatzen duten bezala:

“Ez da ardo urdina, baizik eta gehien mugitzen gaituen errepresentazioa: sormen bihurria” Hori dela eta hauen helburu argienetako bat jendea beraientzat interesgarria den geuzetan sortzen eta berritzen animatzea da (musika, artea, moda,etb.)

Benetan, hauek azaltzen dutenarekin, alkohola duen edaria da, zein mahatsetik datorren eta koloratzailea eta edulkoratzailea gehitzen zaiona.

Euskal gazte talde batek pentsatutako produktu hau Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea eta Azti Tecnaliaren (Eusko Jaurlaritzaren Elikadura Ikerketa departamentua) kolaborazioarekin egin da eta 2 urte lanean egon ostean lortu izan da.

Egia esan interesgarria iruditzen zaigun ideia da, dena sortua zegoen sektore batean gauza berriak bilatu.

Orain dela urte bat gutxi gora behera, komunikabide hurbilenak bazebiltzan adierazten kontsumitzaileentzat eskura zegoen “ardo urdin” bat zegoela. Orain EATER webgune boteretsuan eta Rafael Tonon-ek sinatuta, honi buruzko artikulu bat argitaratu da, bera da Australia, India edo Indonesia bezalako leku urrunetan Gïk-ari buruzko erreferentziak bilatu ahal izatearen “erruduna”.

Munduan zehar agertutako erreferentziak uzten dizkizuegu eta baita Gïk webgunea.


Eater – 15/6/2016 – USA

What the Hell Is Blue Wine?

There’s red wine, white wine, even pink wine. But now thanks to six young Spanish entrepreneurs, in collaboration with the University of the Basque Country and Azti Tecnalia (the food research department of the Basque Government), blue wine—which targets millennial drinkers—is about to hit European markets.

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Time – 17/6/2016 – USA

Blue Wine Is Now a Thing You Can Drink

Rosé wine? So passé. Red and white? Please, those are centuries old. But now, some good news for those seeking the next big thing in beverages: a Spanish winemaker is crafting an electric blue wine. “Try to forget all you know about wine,” the website for the brand, Gik, reads. “Ignore all the preconceptions and standards regarding [the] wine industry and turn a deaf ear to what the sommelier told you in the wine tasting last week.”

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Business Insider – 17/6/2016 -Australia

Yes, this wine is electric blue — and it’s coming to the US

Blue wine just hit Spain, and it will be on its way to other European countries and the U.S. soon, according to Eater. The company behind the eye-catching beverage is Gik. It’s run by six Spanish entrepreneurs in their 20s who were fed up with how inaccessible wine culture was in their country. So without any prior wine experience, they — along with the University of the Basque Country and the Basque Government’s food research department — decided to create a drink geared towards millennials and people who were not wine aficionados.

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Refinery29 – 16/6/2016 – USA

Blue Wine Is A Very Real Thing That Is Coming To America

Sick of red wine? Not into white? Maybe you’ll enjoy blue wine. Yes, blue wine. According to Eater, the Spanish company Gik is looking for it to be the next drink craze for millennial wine enthusiasts. The bright blue wine is the brainchild of six young Spanish entrepreneurs, in collaboration with the University of the Basque Country and Azti Tecnalia, which is the food research department of the Basque Government.

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The Asian Age – 19/5/2016 -India

Blue wine is coming to Europe

As the debate between red wine versus white wine rages on, one Spanish start-up has quietly introduced a blue variety into the mix, Eater reports. The bright blue beverage, dubbed Gik, is the creation of six young entrepreneurs with no previous experience in the winemaking industry. They collaborated with University of the Basque Country and the food research department of the Basque Government to make the product, and they are now preparing to retail it in stores throughout Europe in the next coming months.

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Jakarta Post – 20/6/2016 -Indonesia

Trend alert: Next generation blue wine

Ditch your rosé because electric blue wine is set to become summer’s next popular drink. No, it’s not liquor or blue curacao. It’s purely vino. Gik, the brand name of the drink, is the creation of six Spanish winemakers from the Basque region. It is sweet and served chilled, according to Eater, and is a result of a collaboration with the University of the Basque Country and Azti Tecnalia, the food research department of the Basque government.

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Last Updated on Abe 21, 2020 by About Basque Country

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