Itzultzailea: Leire Madariaga
Smithsonianeko Amerikar Historiari (EEBB-etako Historia) buruzko webgunean, 1951. Urteko Miss Amerikako Koroari buruzko historia aurkitu dugu kasualitatez, euskal-ondorengoa den ipar-amerikar bikain bat ezagutzera eraman gaituena.
Yolande Betbeze, Alabaman jaio zen 1929an, Euskal jatorria duen familia katoliko zorrotzean hasi zen, moja eskola batean hezia eta talentu askoko opera abeslaria.
Baina bere proiekzios publikoa 1951ean lortu zuen, Miss Amerika izendatu zutenean, aukeraketa iraultzaile batetan: ingeles jatorria ez zuen emakume baltzaran bat Miss Amerika izendatuz.
Momentu haratatik, Yolande Betbezeren bizitza, bere pentsamendua defendatzen duen borrokaren adibide bihurtu zen, Smithsonianen webgunean azaltzen duen bezala:
Of Basque heritage, Betbeze tested the limits of a system that in the 1950s was still basing its standards on an ethnically and racially narrow definition of feminine beauty. Betbeze would go on to continue testing the Miss America institution with her refusal to parade in a bathing suit and, after her reign, with her advocacy of women’s and minority rights, her political activism, and ultimately her generous donation of this, her original 1951 crown, to the Smithsonian Institution in 2005.
(Euskal jatorria zuen, 1950eko hamarkadan oraindik emakumearen edertasunaren definizioa etnian eta arrazaren arauetan oinarritzen zen Sistema bat probate zuen. Betbezek proba hauekin jarraituko zuen, bainujantzian desfilatzeko ezezkorarekin, eta erreinaldiaren ondoren, emakumearen eta minorien eskubideak defendatzen, aktibismo politikoa eta azkenez bere donazio eskuzabala, 1951eko koro originala Smithsonian Instituzioari eman zion 2005ean.)
Edo Alabamako Entziklopediak jasotzen duen bezala:
After her one-year reign as Miss America, Betbeze served as an ambassador to Paris, was active in the NAACP, CORE (Congress of Racial Equality), and SANE (The Committee for a SANE Nuclear Policy), and studied philosophy at the New School for Social Research in New York City. She continued to sing, appearing with the Mobile Opera Guild (now the Mobile Opera), and helped found an off-Broadway theater. Betbeze married Matthew Fox (of Fox Motion Pictures fame), with whom she had one daughter. She currently lives in Washington, D.C., where she is prominent among the city’s political elite.
(Miss Amerika bezala urte batez erreinatu ondoren, Betbeze enbaxadore moduan egon zen Parisen. NAACP-en, CORE-n (Arrazen berdintasunaren kongresua) eta SANE-n (SANE izeneko Politika Nuklearraren Batzordea) parte hartu zuen, New York-eko New School for Social Research-en filosofia ikasi zuen, Opera Mobile Gremioarekin agertuz (gaur egun Opera Mobile) eta ff-Broadway antzeztokia sortzen lagundu zuen. Betbeze Matthew Fox-ekin ezkondu zen (Motion Pictures famako Fox), honekin alaba bat izan zuen. Gaur egun Washington DC-n bizi da, hiri horretako politico garrantzitsuenen artean aurkitzen den tokian.)
Izaera gogorreko emakumea, oso euskalduna zalantzarik gabe.
Miss Amerika lehiaketari buruz Smithsonian webgunean dagoen informazioaren erreferentzia uzten dizuegu, baita Alabama Entziklopedia eta Wikipediarena. Guztietan, emakume honen izaera eta konpromesu soziala nabarmentzen da.
Smisthsonian/American history – USA
Miss America Crown
Yolande Betbeze, “the Basque spitfire,” surprised Atlantic City and the nation in 1951 when she was named Miss America. The former Miss Alabama beat out over forty fair-haired, fair-skinned state champions with her dramatic singing performance and her undeniable Iberian beauty. Of Basque heritage, Betbeze tested the limits of a system that in the 1950s was still basing its standards on an ethnically and racially narrow definition of feminine beauty.
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Miss america – 1951 – USA
1951 – Yolande Betbeze
In Yolande’s words, she made a stand for “propriety” that has gone down as a significant flash of pageant history and altered the course of its future. Yolande entered the Miss America Pageant for the scholarship opportunity it presented. Having spent the previous years of her life in convent schooling, posing in a swimsuit was heretofore unheard of for Yolande. After winning the Miss America title, Yolande declared, “I’m an opera singer, not a pin-up!”
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Encyclopedia of Alabama – USA
Yolande Betbeze
In 1950, the Miss America Pageant crowned 21-year-old Mobile native Yolande Betbeze (1929- ) as “Miss America 1951.” She would inadvertently go on to reshape the pageant’s format by refusing to wear a swimsuit during her reign. Lauded as a feminist hero, Betbeze forever changed the Miss America pageant and was later an active participant in the civil rights and anti-nuclear movements.
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Wikipedia – USA
Yolande Fox
Yolande Betbeze was born in 1929 to William, a butcher, and Ethel Betbeze of Mobile. Betbeze was raised in a strict Catholic family with Basque origins and was educated in a convent school.
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Last Updated on Abe 21, 2020 by About Basque Country