Itzultzailea:ย Leire Madariaga
Euskaldunek ez dute espainiarrengandiko genetika ezberdintasun garrantzitsuak. Hori da espainiar egunkariek argitaratu zutena orain dela 2 urte gutxi gora behera, terminologรญa zientifikoaren atzean izkutatuta eta disimulatuta zihoan aldarrikapen โideologikoโarekin. Bartzelonako Pompeu Fabra Unibertsitateko ikertzaileek eginiko hausnarketa bat zen. Berri horri izenburu ematen, era honetako izenburuak aurkitzen genituen:
Pรบblico- 19/02/2010
Euskaldunen geneak ez dira espainiarrengoetatik ezberdinak
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Levante- 22/02/2012
Balentziarrak, euskalunek baino genetika ezberdintasun gehiago dituzte espainiarrengatik.
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Bi urte geroago eta Genographic Projecten hausnarketak, National Geographic Societykbultzatuta, honako ondoriora heldu dira.
The Genographic Project announced today the most comprehensive analysis to date of Basque genetic patterns, showing that Basque genetic uniqueness predates the arrival of agriculture in the Iberian Peninsula some 7,000 years ago. Through detailed DNA analysis of samples from the French and Spanish Basque regions, the Genographic team found that Basques share unique genetic patterns that distinguish them from the surrounding non-Basque populations.
(Genographic Projectek, euskal genetikaren oinarrieri buruz orain arte argitaratutako analisi osoena argitaratu du, euskal genetikaren berezitasuna, Iberiar Penintsulara orain dela 7.000 urte heldutako abeltzainen aurrerakoa dela adieraziz. Euskal frantsiar erreinuko eta espainiako AND ereduen analisi sakona egin ondoren, Genofraphic Proiektuko taldeak, euskaldunen genetika patroiak, inguruan dituen euskaldunak ez diren gizartearengandik ezberdinak direla adierazi dute.)
Genographic Projectek argitaratutako prentsa oharrean, aurreko datuak eta helburu okerrak gainditzeko datuen errealitatea ikuskatzeko hausnarketa sakona behar izan dela adierazi da:
It is a perfect example of why insisting and persisting on accuracy and the deepest possible phylogenetic analysis is a standard to be followed. We simply could not detect the signal in a lower level of resolution โ it may have even led us to a completely opposite conclusion.
(Hau, hausnarketak posible den besteko era sakonean egin behar direlaren adibidea bikaina da, analisi filogenetikoa jarraitu beharreko estandar bat da. Hau da, erresoluzio baxuagoan ezin zen seinalea ikuskatu โ zeinek guztiz aurkako ondorio batetara eraman zigukeen.)
Hausnarketaren informazioa American Journal of human Genetics-en argitaratu da eta bere webgunean ikuskatu dezakegu (aurretik ordainduz).
Orain dela egun batzuk antzeko berri bat biltzen genuen, zein ondorio berberetara heltzen zen. Ez dakigu gaurko hausnarketaren parte bat bazen edo ez, egia esan.
Hala ere, adi egongo gara oraingoan, ondorio berri hauei espainiar komunikabideek espacio eta interes berdina eskeintzen dien edo ez jakiteko. Adi egongo gara, baina aurretik badakigu ez dela horrela izango. Hau, ziurrenik, oharkabeko berri bezala geratuko da. Hori dela eta, espainiar gizartearen buruan, euskaldunak ezberdinak direla Sabino Arana eta separatista askoren ideia delakoa izango da, askok estimatzen duten bezala.
National Geographic – 6/3/2012 – USA
Basque Origins Predate Arrival of Farmers in Iberian Peninsula, DNA Analysis Finds
Comprehensive analysis of Basque genetic patterns has found that Basque genetic uniqueness predates the arrival of agriculture in the Iberian Peninsula some 7,000 years ago, theย Genographic Projectย announced today. โThrough detailed DNA analysis of samples from the French and Spanish Basque regions, the Genographic team found that Basques share unique genetic patterns that distinguish them from the surrounding non-Basque populations,โ Genographic said in a news statement.ย The Genographic Project seeks to chart new knowledge about the migratory history of the human species and answer age-old questions surrounding the genetic diversity of humanity. The project is a nonprofit, multi-year, global research partnership of National Geographic and IBM with field support by the Waitt Family Foundation.
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Medical Xpress – 6/3/2012 – USA
Basque roots revealed through DNA analysis
Published in the American Journal of Human Genetics, the study was led by Lluis Quintana-Murci, principal investigator of Genographic’s Western European regional center. “Our study mirrors European history and could certainly extend to other European peoples. We found that Basques share common genetic features with other European populations, but at the same time present some autochthonous (local) lineages that make them unique,” said Quintana-Murci. “This is reflected in their language, Euskara, a non-Indo-European language, which altogether contributes to the cultural richness of this European population.”
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American Journal of Human Genetics -23/2/2012 – USA
The Basque Paradigm: Genetic Evidence of a Maternal Continuity in the Franco-Cantabrian Region since Pre-Neolithic Times
Different lines of evidence point to the resettlement of much of western and central Europe by populations from the Franco-Cantabrian region during the Late Glacial and Postglacial periods. In this context, the study of the genetic diversity of contemporary Basques, a population located at the epicenter of the Franco-Cantabrian region, is particularly useful because they speak a non-Indo-European language that is considered to be a linguistic isolate. In contrast with genome-wide analysis and Y chromosome data, where the problem of poor time estimates remains, a new timescale has been established for the human mtDNA and makes this genome the most informative marker for studying European prehistory.
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Last Updated on Abe 21, 2020 by About Basque Country