European Public Affairs en un blog en el que los estudiantes del master de European Public Affairs de la Maastricht University, escriben sus reflexiones. Patryk Szambelan, utilizando como excusa la designación de Bristol como la European Green Capital 2015, ha realizado una interesante aportación sobre el sentido que las inversiones en medio ambiente deben tener para las ciudades. Buena parte de su análisis se basa en el caso Vitoria-Gasteiz.
European Public Affairs – 19/6/2013 – Holanda
Greening the cities – a cost, or an investment?

Bristol did it! Last Friday, it was announced the winner of the European Green Capital title. In 2015, the capital of South West England will represent the ambitions of Europe in the campaign to make cities greener and more comfortable to live in. But are these ambitions realistic in these financially turbulent times?. These days, many cities struggle to make ends meet and believe they can’t afford investment in environmental improvements requiring high-end, expensive technologies. Previous European Green Capitals prove that green economies work and lead to better outcomes than the slash-and-burn financial management.
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Last Updated on Jul 29, 2013 by About Basque Country
Valora en European Public Affairs en un blog en el que los estudiantes del master de European Public Affairs de la Maastricht University, escriben sus reflexiones. Patryk Szambelan, utilizando como excusa la designación de Bristol co……