Itzultzailea: Leire Madariaga

Forondako Antezana Arabako herrixka bat da, lurraldearen hiriburutik, Gasteiztik km gutxira dagoena, Foronda Aireportuaren gainean (honen eraikitzeak bere existentzia arriskuan jarri zuen).

100 biztanle baino gutxiagoko herrixka hau gure herrialdetik kanpo berri izatea zail dirudi. Baina lortu dute.

Auzolanek lortu dute, auzokideak zutik mantendu ziren eta San Miguel Arcangeli dedikatutako eliza errekuperatu zuten; Xabier Egaña euskal artistak eginiko lanarekin batera, auzokideek tenplua konpondu ostean, bere hormei bizitza emateko beharra sentitu zuenak.

Koroaren hormak, Kristoren azken egunak adierazten ditu. Egañaren estiloak Picasso eta Chagall gogorarazten dizu. Pablo Corres Ibañez-en argazkia.
Koroaren hormak, Kristoren azken egunak adierazten ditu. Egañaren estiloak Picasso eta Chagall gogorarazten dizu. Pablo Corres Ibañez-en argazkia.

Proiektu honek, Bizitzarako Margolanak izena darama, bere historia mantentzeko borondatea duten komunitatearen eragina da, beraien memoriak desagertzen usteari aurre egiten dionak, zeren horrek arima galtzea esango luke, beraz etorkizuna. Zalantza gabe, Antezana biziraupenaren eredu eta adibide bihurtu da.

2005ean hasitako historia bat, elizaren estrukturaren konponketarekin hain zuzen, zein 2010etik aurrera Xabier Egañak jarraitu zuen. Lanean erabilitako aldamioek enpresaren detailea gustatu zaigu, Fundación Catedral Santa María, Lanengatik irekia arrakastatsuaren bitartean erabilitako aldamiajea utzi zietelako.

Prozesu luzea izan da, baina emaitza bikaina da. Artista, frantziskanoa izana, Nuestra Señora de Arantzazu Basilikan parte hartu zuenetariko bat izan zela adieraztea garrantzitsua dela iruditzen zaigu, hau euskaldunen zentru espiritual garrantzitsuenetarikoa izanik.

National Catholic Reporter – 19/11/2016 – USA

How the earthly and divine came together on the walls of a Basque church

The Iglesia de San Miguel is the pride of this tiny town in Spain’s Basque Country. Yet the 16th-century church, with its spectacular wooden carvings and baroque altarpiece, had fallen on hard times. Residents had saved the church once, decades ago, when they mobilized to fight an airport extension, just steps away from their beloved sanctuary. In recent years, forces of nature and passage of time were taking their toll on the town shrine.

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Deseret News – 14/11/2016 – USA

How the earthly and divine came together on the walls of a Basque Country church

The Iglesia de San Miguel is the pride of this tiny town in Spain’s Basque Country. Yet the 16th-century church, with its spectacular wooden carvings and baroque altarpiece, had fallen on hard times.Residents had saved the church once, decades ago, when they mobilized to fight an airport extension, just steps away from their beloved sanctuary. In recent years, forces of nature and passage of time were taking their toll on the town shrine.

(Sigue) (Itzulpen automatikoa)

Religion News Service – 14/11/2016 – USA

How the earthly and divine came together on the walls of a Basque church

The Iglesia de San Miguel is the pride of this tiny town in Spain’s Basque Country. Yet the 16th-century church, with its spectacular wooden carvings and baroque altarpiece, had fallen on hard times. Residents had saved the church once, decades ago, when they mobilized to fight an airport extension, just steps away from their beloved sanctuary. In recent years, forces of nature and passage of time were taking their toll on the town shrine.

(Itzulpen automatikoa) (traducción automática)

Heimsath Architects – 14/11/2016 – USA


Several decades ago, a small village in Northern Spain fought hard to save its old church. An airport was due to be built over old stone walls dating from as early as the 16th century. The campaign was successful, the runway was rerouted, and the Church de San Miquel Arcangel was saved. More recently, the village leaders realized they needed to find expanded uses for their landmark structure. While worship services would continue, the intention was to bring in new activities as a community and arts center. They reached out to established artist and former Franciscan monk, Xabier Egaña. The artist was inspired to develop a colorful vision of contemporary and traditional symbolism to cover the interior walls.

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 Antezana Pinturasparalavida mayo2016

Potikoaren gaia, Antezanak aireportuaren zabalketari aurre egiteko protesta arrakastatsuaren kronika bat da, zeinek eliza suntsitu zukeen. Jose Luis Alonso Quilchano-ren argazkia.
Los motivos del Pórtico son la crónica de la exitosa protesta de Antezana contra la expansión del aeropuerto que habría demolido la iglesia. Foto cortesía de José Luis Alonso Quilchano



Last Updated on Abe 21, 2020 by About Basque Country

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