Mark Swed-ek 2015eko hasieran argitaratu zuen Los Ángeles Times egunkarian, urtarrilaren 5ean interpretatu ziren obrei buruzko artikulu bat, hasiera izan baitzen 2015eko Monday Evening Concerts edizioan, Colburn School’s Zipper Concert Hall izenekoan. 

Ramón Lazkano-ren presentzia musika garaikideko ziklo honetan (1939an sortua, munduko beteranoenetakoa da) lagundu dute Etxepare Institutua eta Musikagileak (Euskal Herriko Musikagileen Elkartea) erakundeek.

Hain okasio berezirako AEBn estreinatu dira Igeltsuen Laborategia seriea osatzen duten obra batzuk. Konpositore donostiarrak erreferentziatzat eta inspiraziotzat hartu du Jorge Oteiza euskal artistaren lana.

Mark Swed-en artikuluak jasotzen duenez, garbi dago urtarrilaren 5eko astelehen horretan Monday Evening Concerts 2015eko inaugurazio kontzertura joan ziren musika garaikidearen zaleek hain egun bereziari dagokiona jaso zutela: Errege eguneko benetako oparia.


Los Angeles Times – 6/1/2015 – USA

An evening of sophisticated new Spanish music

    Jonathan Hepfer, center, conducts the ensemble during the Monday Evening Concerts at the Colburn School's Zipper Concert Hall.     (Fotografía: Lawrence K. Ho / Los Angeles Times)
Jonathan Hepfer, center, conducts the ensemble during the Monday Evening Concerts at the Colburn School’s Zipper Concert Hall.
(Fotografía: Lawrence K. Ho / Los Angeles Times)

From the time of its empire to well into the 20th century, Spain was a country so immediately recognizable by its music that eventually guitars and boleros became clichés. But now, like much new music in much of the world, the Spanish style has assumed an international, cosmopolitan character. Perhaps this explains why we hear so few works from Spain outside Spain these days.  But there is excellent, sophisticated new Spanish music, Spanish in ways that go beyond the clichés, and Monday Evening Concerts began its 2014-15 season (finally), and the new year, at the Colburn School’s Zipper Concert Hall with a program of Spanish works, most new to our country, from the last four decades. The big event was the U.S. premiere of Ramon Lazkano’s “Igeltsoen Laborategia” (Laboratory of Chalks). A 46-year-old Basque composer, Lazkano found inspiration for a series of short cycles of chamber pieces written between 2005 and 2009 from small chalk sculptures by the late Basque artist, political activist and theorist Jorge Oteiza.

(Sigue) (Traducción automática)

Last Updated on Abe 21, 2020 by About Basque Country

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