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Tag: Basque technology

Bizkaia Talent is invited as a “case study” at the Nordic...

Bizkaia Talent en Estocolmo
This article was translated by John R. Bopp We've spoken about Bizkaia Talent several times.  It's a project that we find very interesting, because it's going...

Bilbao gets an amazing appraisal about its “Talent Search” in Davos

Global Economic Forum 2019
This article was translated by John R. Bopp The history of the World Economic Forum, more popularly known as the Davos Forum, is the story of...

The UK’s Channel 5 explains the work, and results, of Bizkaia...

Be Basque Talent. Encuentro Londres 2018
This article was translated by John R. Bopp It's not hard to understand why Brexit and everything about it is dominating the UK news cycle.  Channel 5,...

How the Be Basque talent recovery event in London went down...

Be Basque Talent. Encuentro Londres 2018
This article was translated by John R. Bopp You may remember, about a month ago, when we reported that the Financial Times had published an article about the...

The Basques take on London, as told in the ‘Financial Times’

La Salve Bridge and Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao
  This article was translated by John R. Bopp Yesterday, the Financial Times published an article about the maneuvers the Basques are making to "capture talent in London". ...

Astilleros Murueta is building a ship for transporting live fish

Representación del buque que Murueta está construyendo para  la compañía noruega Alsaker Fjordbruk
The website FIS, headquartered in Japan, is dedicated to the world of fishing, and has just announced that the Basque shipbuilding company Murueta has...

A very practical “dinosaur” at the mouth of the Bilbao estuary

Aerial view of Bilbao’s harbour area. Copyright: Aitor Ortiz, from Archivo Autoridad Portuaria de Bilbao.
This article was translated by John R. Bopp Guiding Architects is an "international network" in which many companies participate, all from different countries, which, as their...

Young researchers at the UPV have designed a fat-eating dish

Plato "absorbegrasa" diseñado en la UPV/EHU
This article was translated by John R. Bopp It comes to us from Rosario, Argentina: a team of engineers and designers has developed a dish that,...

Financial incentives to get back our talent and to support innovation

Jornada de Bizkaia Talent en Boston
This article was translated by John R. Bopp We've been blogging about the Innova Fund a lot recently.  It's a project run by the Biscay provincial government whose...

A friendly cat, a Raspberry Pi, and a Basque engineer: what...

Sistema de detección del gato de la familia
This article was translated by John R. Bopp We’ve just come across a reference to the creative capacity of Basque engineer Arkatiz Garro on Gonzalo Varas’...