This article was translated by John R. Bopp

This isn’t the first time we’ve brought up San Luis de Potosí and its silver mines.  Many of our readers will recall, for instance, the silver ingot found in Getaria Bay which most likely came from that city in modern-day Mexico.

Today, we bring you another article that appeared in that country’s media about the launch of a book that discusses one of the Basque lines that reached San Luis: the Basurto family from Getaria.  This book delves into the achievements of this family line over four generations.

The book is a compendium of in-depth research carried out by two historians: Ramón Alejandro Montoya from Mexico and Román de Basurto Larrañaga from the Basque Country.  The book is being published by the Autonomous University of San Luis de Potosí (UASLP) with the title “Auge y ocaso de una dinastía de emprendedores, navegantes y escribanos vascos a caballo entre el viejo y el nuevo mundo: Los Basurto de Guetaria” (Rise and Fall of a Dynasty of Basque Entrepreneurs, Navigators, and Scribes Riding Between the Old and New Worlds).

As the UASLP explains on their book’s website, “this research has once again allowed us to highlight the importance of Basque merchants, who, along with Genovese and Castilian traders, despite their minority representation in the Seville mercantile community, we’re able to play a decisive role in the creation of an overseas empire, bringing both capital and an entrepreneurial spirit.  The Basurto line were merchants who sailed to the New World, and then understood how to move towards the New Spanish inland their interests and Basque identity.”

We’ll leave you with some of the articles about this book’s launch and the link to the UASLP website where you can download it.

Quadratin – 5/4/2019 – México

Reconstruyen la raíz vasca de San Luis Potosí

El doctor Ramón Alejandro Montoya presentó el libro “Auge y ocaso de una dinastía de emprendedores, navegantes y escribanos vascos a caballo entre el viejo y el nuevo mundo: los Basurto de Guetaria”, resultado de una colaboración interdisciplinaria con el profesor Román de Basurto Larrañaga, experto en la navegación vasca.
(Sigue) (Traducción automática)

Plano Informativo – 18/4/2019 – México

Publican libro: Auge y ocaso de una dinastía, Los Basurto de Guetaria

El libro “Auge y ocaso de una dinastía de emprendedores, navegantes y escribanos vascos a caballo entre el viejo y el nuevo mundo: Los Basurto de Guetaria” explora el protagonismo de este linaje y su paso por el estado de San Luis Potosí.

(Sigue) (Traducción automática)

Descarga del libro en la web de la USALP

Descargar (PDF, 4.8399999999999999MB)

Last Updated on Dec 20, 2020 by About Basque Country

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