For most of us mere mortals, which definitely includes us, the term “quantum computer” sound more like science fiction than science fact.ย But we were very wrong.
Indeed, not only do they exist, but soon, one will be installed in our very own country thanks to an agreement between the institutions of the Basque Autonomous Community (including those of the historical territories and region).ย It will be installed in San Sebastian, and will be the sixth 127-qubit IBM Quantum System One that will be deployed by the American multinational in the world, and the second in Europe.
This computer will be put to work at theย Ikerbasque Basque Science Foundation at the end of 2024.ย The goal of this quantic computing center is to accelerate research into areas such as quantum chemistry, material simulation, and industrial process optimization.
Quantum technology is based on quantum mechanics, which deals with the behavior of particles at the subatomic level, and which allows for large amounts of information to be processed much more quickly than with traditional computing systems.
These computers are opening the doors to a new world.ย It is undoubtedly tolling the bell for modern, or what will soon be “classic” computers.
To get an idea of the calculating power of these devices, according to IBM, the number of classic bits (in standard computers) that would be needed to represent a 127 qubit processor exceeds the total number of atoms in the more than 7.5 billion people on the planet.
This technology is in its infancy, but it’s growing and maturing at a rapid rate.ย This 127-qubit IBM computer was introduced at the end of 2021; they’re currently developing a 1121-qubit one.
We must be aware that this whole new world is still in an experimental phase, and much development is still needed.ย But, having this quantum computer installed in San Sebastian will make this facility one of the most important research and collaboration centers for the Basque scientific community, and for the world, as well as putting us on the map of the very select places where quantum computing is being developed.
We’ll leave you with the articles published inย Forbes, by Karl Freund, and with IBM‘s press release.
Forbes – 24/3/2023 – USA
IBM To Deploy Quantum System In The Basque Country Of Spain
IBM has announced that it has contracted with Fundaciรณn Ikerbasque to install and manage a new Quantum computer system, including Qiskit Runtime Services, in the Basque Country. The 127-qubit system will be located on the Ikerbasque Foundation main campus in San Sebastian, Spain, and will be the first quantum system in the country. IBM plans to complete the system installation by the end of 2024. The system will be used to advance discovery and solutions in physics, information science, and materials science using quantum computing.
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IBM -24/3/2023 – USA
IBM and Fundaciรณn Ikerbasque Partner to Launch Groundbreaking Quantum Computational Center
Fundaciรณn Ikerbasque, the Basque Foundation for Science in the Basque Country of Spain, and IBMย ย todayย presented details of how they are partneringย to further establishย the Basque Countryย as a leading technology hub. This includes the adoption of quantum computing through the launch of the IBM-Euskadi Quantum Computational Center, which will provide Qiskit Runtime services from a 127-qubit IBM Quantum System One located in San Sebastian and managed by IBM.
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Last Updated on Dec 3, 2023 by About Basque Country