This article was translated by John R. Bopp
In August of 2017, we talked about a column by Francisco Jueguen in the Argentine daily La Nación about how the government of Argentina should use the Basque industrial model as a reference.
A few months later, in October of last year, that same paper published an interview, also by Francisco Jueguen, in which Jon Azua explained some of the keys of that industrial model, and the radical transformation of the Basque model of production from a deep crisis to a well-situated Euro-region in the field of innovation within the European Union.
It’s an interesting reflection about one of the elements that allowed the Basque Autonomous Community to overcome that entrenched crisis that started in the 1980s. As we’ve often commented, it was a very critical moment, even more so than the crisis of the last decade, as it was a mix of economic, political, and social crisis, which all coincided with the régime change from a dictatorship to a democracy and the recovery of some Basque institutions, such as self-government.
La Nación – 21/10/2017 – Argentina
Jon Azua: “La competitividad debe ser un medio para mejorar la calidad de vida”
Jon Azua, uno de los padres de la transformación productiva del País Vasco, modelo observado de cerca por el Gobierno, pronuncia palabras que ya se escuchan en los eventos oficiales. “Para nosotros, no había buenas o malas industrias, sino maneras buenas o malas de hacer las cosas”, estimó el investigador del Instituto de Estrategia y Competitividad de Harvard.
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Last Updated on Dec 20, 2020 by About Basque Country