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Tag: Spanish Civil War

Remembering the Panamanian Consul who Saved our Lehendakari

Jose Antonio Aguirre disfrazado de José Andrés Álvarez de la Lastra, ciudadano panameño, para huir de los nazis
This article was translated by John R. Bopp Recently, La Estrella de Panamá published an article discussing the pivotal role played by Consul Germán Gil Guardia...

April 26: the Bombing of Guernica: Against the Lies, More Truth....

This article was translated by John R. Bopp Today is April 26, the day we remember when, in 1937, the world could see, more clearly than...

Another story of the Basque war children in Great Britain: solidarity...

This article was translated by John R. Bopp Bucks Free Press, a local paper in Buckinghamshire, one of the 47 counties of England, has just published...

Gudari José Moreno, protagonist in ‘The New York Times’

Mr. Moreno proudly calls himself “the last gudari,” a Basque word for soldier.CreditSamuel Aranda for The New York Times
This article was translated by John R. Bopp An article was published yesterday in The New York Times that's got us excited.  It was an interview with...

From Argentina: Isidro Lángara: Basque, goal scorer, anti-fascist, and part of...

El Vasco Lángara, un ídolo de San Lorenzo, le convierte a Boca. / Foto: El Gráfico
Alejandro Fabbri, in the '442' section of the Argentine sports paper Perfil, has just published an amazing article telling the story of Isidro Lángara, a Basque...

Gudari José Moreno of the San Andrés Batallion, turns 100. ...

El Lehendakari Urkullu saluda a José Moreno
This article was translated by John R. Bopp On November 10, José Moreno, a member of the Euzko Gudarostea, and a part of the living history of...

“Aita”. Following in the footsteps of a ‘gudari’, from Lima to...

José y Chema Salcedo
This article was translated by John R. Bopp A while back, we announced the debut of the documentary "Aita", which tells the story of a family,...

Arantzazu Euzko Etxea of Lima: Manifesto against the Valley of the...

This article was translated by John R. Bopp This is hardly the first time we've spoken about the work being done at the Arantzazu Euzko Etxea of...

Aintzane Aguirre Zabala, the daughter of the Lehendakari, has passed.  Agur...

Familia del Lehendakari Aguirre
This article was translated by John R. Bopp Last Friday, Aintzane Aguirre Zabala, the eldest daughter of Lehendakari José Antonio Aguirre, passed away.  With her, the...

Elsa Artadi: will a Basque oak take root in the Government...

La "saga" Artadi: el bisabuelo y la biznieta
This article was translated by John R. Bopp Unai Aranzadi, the author of this article, on the Basque roots of Elsa Artadi, is a war reporter,...