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Tag: image of the Basques

Sign the petition to get the ikurriña emoji on Whatsapp, Facebook,...

Back in July of 2017, we blogged about two issues related to the ubiquitous communication platform WhatsApp. The first was the appearance and success of...

Bilbao Style: the looks by a Bilbao pharmacist in Bristol

Patricia Pastor. Una bilbaina en Bristol
If you've been following us for any length of time, you'll know we've brought up Bristol before.  Just a while back, we found this...

From India: My most memorable meal in 2019? At El...

Prahlad Sukhtankar is a leading figure in the world of gastronomy in India.  He's not a chef, but rather a sommelier who graduated from...

San Sebastian is an example of “good practices” as an intercultural...

Casa de la Paz y los Derechos Humanos de Aiete. Donostia
One of the programs the Council of Europe runs is called Intercultural Cities, or ICC for short.  With this program, the Council supports local authorities in...

The Basque image with Andalusian ruffles shown at the BAC’s stand’s...

Inauguracion stand CAPVInauguracion stand CAPV en Fitur 2020 en Fitur 2020
As the FITUR website itself explains this fair is "the global meeting point for tourism professionals and the leading trade fair for inbound and...

The 2020 Global Talent Competitiveness Index, Proof of Basque Strengths and...

Davos 2020
A year ago, we wrote an entry on how the Global Talent Competitiveness Index Report (GTCI), whose purpose is to analyse the state of the...

Basque Solidarity with Syrian Refugees Reported on the UN and UNHCR...

Begonña Herrero y la familia siria refugiada que ha acogido en su casa de Bilbao
We've just come across a news item on two websites, the United Nations High Council on Refugees (UNHCR) and the UN website in Brazil, that has...

The Basque Country: A Model for Sustainability in the 21st Century?

Bilbao_Guggenheim_open democracy-Image- thierry llansades - CC by 2-0
Actually, in the article we're bringing you today, they're not asking that question, they're asserting it.  Said article is the one published on global...

Fifteen Years of the Center for Basque Studies of Antioquia

Exposición 15 años de CEVA en Antioquia
This December, the Basques in Antioquia are celebrating a very important event: the 15th anniversary of the Center for Basque Studies, which has been...

Basques united to create a community kitchen/school/restaurant in one of the...

Gastón Acurio y Karlos Argiñano en la entrada de CONVIDA
Today we'd like to bring you the news of the community kitchen / school / restaurant that was opened in 2019 by Basque-Peruvian Gastón...