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Tag: Basques in the Americas

1954 Basque Festival in Mar del Plata (film courtesy of the...

Imágenes de la sexta Semana Vasca de Mar del Plata (1954)
This article was translated by John R. Bopp To celebrate the new year, the Argentine National General Archive has shared, on Facebook and Twitter, a small...

Martín de Murua, the Basque who wrote about the Incas of...

Tomado de la obra Códice Murúa: Historia y genealogía de los reyes incas del Perú del padre mercedario fray Martín de Murúa: códice Galvin (2004 [1590]). En el brazo del personaje se puede leer: "Vila Oma" y en la pierna del mismo: "El gran pontífice del Inga"; ambas inscripciones dan cuenta de la alta jerarquía del individuo, la cual se ve a su vez reforzada mediante el uso de la diadema en forma de media luna, el brazalete o chipana, bastón de mando y el adorno de barbilla.
This article was translated by John R. Bopp Jorge Paredes Laos has just published an interesting article in the Peruvian daily El Comercio about the life...

The stories of the Basques engraved in the poplars of the...

This Idaho carving from 1975 lists the name, Jose Maria Eizaguirre, and the hometown, Amoroto, of the carver. Amoroto is located in the Bizkaia province in Basque Country, where about 90 percent of Idaho Basques emigrated from, says John Bieter. BOISE STATE UNIVERSITY, SPECIAL COLLECTIONS AND ARCHIVES
This article was translated by John R. Bopp We’ve spoken before about the arboglyphs on our blog: an extraordinary, and perishable, heritage the Basques who went...

Louis’ Basque Corner, the Basque restaurant in Reno, Nevada, turns 50

Louis' Basque Corner dinners and lunches are served family style — Photo courtesy of David Calvert / Louis' Basque Corner
This article was translated by John R. Bopp USA Today’s 10Best website compiles for its readers “things to see and do, and restaurants for top destinations...

Basques are “invisible” even to themselves.  In memoriam: Daniel “the Indian”...

In Memorian: Daniel Barandiaran
This article was translated by John R. Bopp In our daily search for news from around the world that mentions the Basques, we found an article...

The ‘Euskal Etxea’ in San Nicolás is getting everything together for...

Fachada del Centro Vasco de San Nicolás, en Argentina
This article was translated by John R. Bopp A few days from now, starting November 6, the latest annual National Basque Week will start in Argentina;...

“Euskal Gazta” in Minnesota

A rendering of the interior of the Keg & Case Market at the Schmidt Brewery complex in St. Paul (Minnesota)
This article was translated by John R. Bopp Today, we’re bringing you a beautiful story of the “Basque heritage” that we found in the Star Tribune...

A compilation of the amazing stories of the Basques in exile...

Inauguracion en marzo de 1950 del Centro Vasco de Caracas con la presencia del Lehendakari Aguirre (foto del blog de Iñaki Anasagasti)
  This article was translated by John R. Bopp Pedro Javier Arriaga Aguirre has a blog, Jazoera, which was created as a tool to share the news...

An homage and recognition of the Basque contribution to the “cowboy...

Bertsolariak at the National Basque Festival in Elko. Photo by Meg Glaser.
This article was translated by John R. Bopp Upgrade:  List of participants. BASQUE, BASQUE-AMERICAN and OTHER SPECIAL GUESTS At the end of January 2018, the 34th Annual...

“Euskadi”, the surname that undoubtedly has a great story behind it

Fire and Light pieces
This article was translated by John R. Bopp We just came across an article published in The Lumberjack, California’s Humboldt State University’s newspaper since 1929. This article,...