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Tag: Basques in the Americas

The Historical Society of San Juan Capistrano is studying the local...

La ovejas fueron, también en  San Juan Capistrano (California) una importante actividad de los vascos
San Juan Capistrano was founded as one of the missions dotting the California coastline up to San Francisco back in the 17th century, when...

Chat on Basque Mythology at the Concordia Basque Center in Argentina

Concordia, Argentina, located in Entre Ríos province, is just north of Buenos Aires, and has an active Basque community which has organized itself into...

70th Anniversary of The El Paraíso Basque Center in Caracas

70 aniversario nauguracion centro vasco de Caracas en Paraiso
This new Basque Center in Caracas, in the El Paraíso neighborhood, was inaugurated with top honors, and even the presence of Lehendakari Aguirre, on...

Txapela, the natural Basque cider being made in Argentina

Txapela, la sidra vasca de Argentina
The Argentine daily Rio Negro (which we've cited before on many occasions) has just published an article by Jorge Tanos discussing the story of...

The 73rd Annual Basque Festival in Ontario, Oregon is Being Held

The Beti Alai dancers perform in 2019's annual Ontario Basque Charity Dinner and Dance. (Submitted photo)
We've mentioned the Basque community of Ontario, Oregon several times before, especially for their traditional Ontario Basque Charity Dinner, which celebrated its 73rd edition this...

On US NPR: the Basque chef who became a ‘cesta punta’...

Mikel Larregi Sistiaga (Maya Kroth)
WBUR is the public broadcaster at the University of Boston, and is part of National Public Radio, which we've referenced many times before. It's the...

“Batiburrillo”, the typical Paraguayan dish invented by a Basque

Baburrillo el plato típico de Paraguay creado por un vasco
Batiburrillo is a type of beef stew that was introduced by Sebastián Sasiain Zubillaga, a Basque emigrant who settled in Paraguay in 1926 along with...

A Course to Train 35 Basque Teachers Starts in Argentina

Curso 2020 de profesores de Euskera en Argentina
The San Nicolás Basque Center has just started a new course to train Basque language teachers for the Basque Centers of South America.  This year,...

The Ongi Etorri Basque Center celebrates St. Sebastian’s Day by planting...

Celebración de San Sebastián en el Centro Vasco de Magdalena
Magdalenaweb is the website of the City of Magdalena, in the Argentine province of Buenos Aires, and has just reported on how the  there...

News Briefs. Representatives of the Basque Center meet with the Mayor...

Reunion centro vasco Saladillo Argentina
In his office in the City Palace, the Mayor of Saladillo, José Luis Salomón, held a meeting with some of the members of the...