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Tag: Basque Tourism

Viewpoints: the Bardenas, the “Desert of Navarre”, covered in snow

A look at a most unusual sight: the Bardenas Reales, covered in snow

Viewpoints. Zangoza (Sangüesa) and Javier Castle in Navarre

Castillo de Javier
Our English-language editor share his trip to Zangoza (Sangüesa) and Javier Castle

Vitoria-Gasteiz, one of National Geographic’s 25 recommendations for 2021

La web de National Geographic  incluye a Vitoria-Gasteiz entre los 25 destinos recomendados en 2021.
The National Geographic website includes Vitoria-Gasteiz on its list of 25 recommendations for 2021, highlighting its history and culture

A very Basque Thanksgiving in Petaluma, California

Basque Thanksgiving in Petaluma
A California journalist specialized in gastronomy tells how and why they had a Basque Thanksgiving dinner

“The Next 50” seeks to honor the youth shaping the future...

50 Next
We've brought you many articles on The World’s 50 Best Restaurants, which brings us that list every year, and where we can find Basque cuisine...

Irish Public Television visits San Sebastian to talk about Basque cuisine...

Catherine Fulvio (left) with Linda Kennedy, who is based in Crookhaven, West Cork, in Tastes Like Home on RTE1 on Monday
Irish public television (RTÉ) has a show called Tastes Like Home where Irish chef, presenter, and author Catherine Fulvio travels the world meeting people...

Three articles about the Basque Country: from the Basque Coast to...

Ezpeleta (besidestheobvious.net)
The travel website Besides the Obvious is written by a couple who have decided to take a stroll through our country this very special year...

The BBC and the Basque barbecuing tradition, when nothing more needs...

BBC Travel: Where barbecue culture began?
On June 30, the BBC Travel website published an article by Ben Underwater about the Basque tradition of barbecuing. After reading it thoroughly, we could...

The View from the Sky and Many Other Interesting Things About...

Imagenes aéreas del blog Pays basque
What we're seeing on the blog paysbasque.net are things we like, a lot.  Well, us and the other 130,000 followers on their Facebook page. ...

From Toronto: a Guide to the Basque Coast from San Sebastian...

Saint Jean de Luz. Toronto Guardian
Last summer, the Toronto Guardian published an article by Julia Melcher, who is an absolute jewel.  Somehow, this article slipped through the cracks, but we finally...