There are many occasions, such as today, when readers write to us to ask us about Basque surnames, either to learn some information about them (their meaning, how their family got to the New World, their origin, their sunny house…), or to ask us where they learn more.

Unfortunately, we can rarely clear up any doubts they have, either about their specific surnames or especially about the epic journey one specific relative of theirs took from the Basque Country to the place where their descendants now live.

We can’t clear them up firstly, because to do so, we’d have to be experts in the matter, and we’re not, and secondly, because the Basques reached the New World in one long uninterrupted wave, from the 16th century right up until the 20th, which makes it hard to get general information that might be of value in specific cases.

This is usually when we turn to generalist sources like the list of Basque surnames at Euskaltzaindia, the Basque Language Academy, or search for an expert in genealogy, especially when trying to find a connection between the person who’s making the consultation and their Basque origins.

But today, we bring you a gem that we found at the Historia y Genealogía Hispanoamericana blog (geneasud).  It is the result of herculean work about surname genealogy in the New World and anything that might be related.

It is, as we’ve said, a gargantuan effort that, of course, has been the subject of many articles about the Basque presence and Basque surnames.

On this website, we can consult books and other works about Basque surnames in Argentina (from the Juan de Garay Foundation, for example), in Chile, and in Colombia; we can consult databases to try to determine whether a surname is Basque or not; we can read articles about research that promise they’ve uncovered the “secret” origin of the Basques (which they always say, but never seem to get right)…

So basically, we’re going to be using this to find out a lot of information.  With patience, we’re sure many interested people can discover their origins and other information that can help.

We’ll leave you with some specific articles, as well as a link to al the resources that discuss Basques.

We aren’t sure who runs it or provides its information, but they must still be thanked.  They’re carrying out amazing work. – 9/2022 – 

Los apellidos vascos, como entenderlos

Un gran porcentaje (lógicamente) de la población quindiana tiene apellidos de origen vasco, no español. Pero en la mayoría de las veces se cree que es castellano, ya que el vasco y la lengua euskera, no tiene nada que ver con el idioma español y latín. Para entender esto, debemos conocer varios puntos.

(Follow) (Automatic translation) – 9/2022 – 

Descarga la colección completa: Los Vascos en América

Los Vascos en América es una obra de 6 tomos patrocinada por la fundación vasco-argentina Juan de Garay, que abarca más de 500 familias de todas las provincias del actual territorio argentino, desde la conquista hasta el siglo XIX

(Follow) (Automatic translation) – 7/2019 – 

Linajes vascos en Chile

Hemos querido en este trabajo reunir el mayor número de apellidos vascos y montañeses usados en Chile desde la Conquista hasta nuestros días, con sus consanguíneos correspondientes. No pretendemos haber agotado la materia: es probable que otros  investigadores,  buscando con más prolijidad, consigan aumentar el número de los que publicamos.

(Follow) (Automatic translation) – 7/2021 – 

Descarga libre: Los vascos en Antioquia durante los Austrias (1510-1700)

Hemos querido en este trabajo reunir el mayor número de apellidos vascos y montañeses usados en  Chile desde la Conquista hasta nuestros días, con sus consanguíneos correspondientes. No pretendemos haber agotado la materia: es probable  que  otros  investigadores,  buscando con más prolijidad, consigan aumentar el número de los que publicamos.

(Follow) (Automatic translation)

List of articles about Basque topics at geneasud

Last Updated on Dec 3, 2023 by About Basque Country

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