The President of the Collectivity of Corsica,ย Gilles Simeoni, and Lehendakariย Iรฑigo Urkullu have signed a memorandum of institutional cooperation linking the two governments.

This agreement will last for five years and is focused on three areas, described thus by President Simeoni:

  • European affairs “to guarantee that the interests of small peoples are born in mind when building Europe”
  • Language policy: “The Basque Country is far ahead of us in this matterโ€ฆWe have a lot to learn”
  • The Diaspora, represented by four million people of Basque descent all over the world: “There are 193 centers supported by the Basque Government all over the world to organize the sharing and spread of Basque language and culture to all corners of the globe”

After signing the memorandum, it must be drawn up and approved in aย framework agreement that will precisely define the budget for this operation and the goals to be reached.

With the signing of this memorandum, Corsica joins the network of strategic relationships the Basque Autonomous Community already has with Flanders, Bavaria, Quรฉbec, and Jiangsu, among others.

Antoine Giannini, writing forย Corse Matin, brings us this news, and shares with us the great joy of the Corsican president over its signing, while reminding us that this is the culmination of a long process that has required many meetings.ย  The article itself references another article from October 2019 (which we also brought you); we’ll also leave you with a press release on the Basque Government’s Irekia website.

Corse Matin – 14/4/2021 – Corsica

Une stratรฉgie de coopรฉration entre l’รฎle et le Pays basque

Un mรฉmorandum de coopรฉration institutionnelle a รฉtรฉ signรฉ entre les deux territoires. Il porte sur trois thรฉmatiques. La politique linguistique, les affaires europรฉennes et la diaspora. L’accord est รฉtabli sur cinq annรฉes et doit permettre de peser dans les dรฉcisions de l’UE Le rendez-vous d’aujourd’hui ne naรฎt pas de rien’.ย Le sourire ร  peine dissimulรฉ par son masque,ย Gilles Simeoni, prรฉsident de la Collectivitรฉ de Corseย s’apprรชte, en ce mardi, ร  parapher le mรฉmorandum de coopรฉration institutionnelle entre leย Pays basqueย et laย Corse.

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Corse Matin – 1/10/2019 – Corsica

Pays basque espagnol et Corse renforcent leur coopรฉration

Gilles Simeoni. presidente de la Colectividad de Cรณrcega, recibe de las manos de Andoni Ortuzar la foto de su padre,Edmond Simeoni, durante su participaciรณn en el Aberri Eguna de 1979. Junto a ellos Inฬƒigo Urkullu, presidente del Gobierno Vasco (corse-matin)
Gilles Simeoni. presidente de la Colectividad de Cรณrcega, recibe de las manos de Andoni Ortuzar la foto de su padre,Edmond Simeoni, durante su participaciรณn en el Aberri Eguna de 1979. Junto a ellos Inฬƒigo Urkullu, presidente del Gobierno Vasco (corse-matin)

Pour un nationaliste corse, le Pays basque espagnol fait un peu figure d’eldorado. La rรฉgion autonome du nord de la pรฉninsule ibรฉrique est non seulement une des plus prospรจres d’Europe sur le plan รฉconomique mais elle est aussi celle qui a le plus de compรฉtences fiscales (elle lรจve l’impรดt), lรฉgislatives et dispose รฉgalement de quelques pouvoirs rรฉgaliens.

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Irekia – 13/4/2021 – Euskadi

Euskadi y Cรณrcega acuerdan establecer un canal formal y estable para futuras colaboraciones

ย El Lehendakari Iรฑigo Urkullu y el Presidente de Cรณrcega, Gilles Simeoni han mantenido este mediodรญa, de forma telemรกtica, un encuentro en el que han suscrito un Memorando de Cooperaciรณn, que permitirรก a las instituciones de Euskadi y Cรณrcega impulsar el desarrollo de las relaciones bilaterales y proporcionar una base comรบn para futuras colaboraciones. En la reuniรณn han estado presentes, tambiรฉn, la Secretaria General de Acciรณn Exterior Mariรกn Elorza y el Director de Asuntos Europeos, Mikel Antรณn.


Last Updated on Apr 19, 2021 by About Basque Country

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