With this third entry in this series, we bring you the videos that complete the artistic project Amaia Gabantxo has been bringing us, titled #BasqueVideoPoems.
This last entry was supposed to be made up of just two poems, one by Felipe Juaristi and another by Joseba Sarrionaindia, but the author decided to include a bonus track. As she explains:
Es un segundo poema de Miren Agur Meabe. El poema me llamaba, porque habla de sueños extraños, alucinaciones, noches de desvelo, y creo que mucha gente (no solo yo) los está experimentando en el confinamiento. Además, Miren Agur es la única mujer poeta en la antología y me parecía bien equilibrar las cosas un poco con un segundo video-poema.
It’s a second poem by Miren Agur Meabe. The poem called to me because it speaks of strange dreams, hallucinations, sleepless nights, and I believe many people (not just myself) are experiencing that in confinement. Plus, Mire Agur is the only female poet in the anthology, and it seemed right to balance things out a bit with a second video-poem.
All the poems in this project are works by Basque poets, translated from Basque into English by Amaia Gabantxo, and published in the anthology “Six Basque Poets” (edited by Marijo Olaziregi), published by Arc Publications in the United Kingdom in 2007. For those who are interested, it can be purchased at:
We are proud and excited to have been able to include the work of this Basque translator, singer, and creator on our blog. We hope, or rather we’re sure, that since this wasn’t the first time, neither will it be the last time that our paths cross.
The complete project can be found in this entry in our blog or on the author’s website.
Geography – Felipe Juaristi
“Geography” is the fifth video-poem in this series. Each poem is chosen because, in one way or another, it speaks about our current situation: the COVID-19 pandemic and the confinement we’re all under.
This is a poem about confusion and love. It’s about the complexity of the homeland.

Nautical Logbook – Joseba Sarrionaindia
“Nautical Logbook” is the sixth poem in this series. Each poem is chosen because, in one way or another, it speaks about our current situation: the COVID-19 pandemic and the confinement we’re all under.
This poem is about embarking on an unknown journey, a spiral, and sailing it as well as possible, despite uncertainty and fear. It’s a poem about feeling unbound and finding a base of support in writing, contemplating, or doodling.
Notes on how to avoid memory loss 2 – Miren Agur Meabe
“Notes on how to avoid memory loss 2” is the bonus track video in this series. Each poem is chosen because, in one way or another, it speaks about our current situation: the COVID-19 pandemic and the confinement we’re all under.
The author chose this second Miren Agur Meabe poem because she is the only woman in the anthology, and I felt that female Basque poet were underrepresented in it. So I chose two of her poems.

Last Updated on Dec 20, 2020 by About Basque Country