This article was translated by John R. Bopp

A while back, one of those “anti-Basque satellites” that occasionally pops up in the social network of this blog assured us that in Argentina, no one distinguishes the Basques from the “rest of the Spanish”, and that everyone gets the generic name gallego, Galician, which is another nationality within Spain that those responsible for this blog love and admire deeply.

It was clear that this individual, who said he lived in Argentina, had not once gotten near this South American country.  The history, and the present, of Argentina is full of people who are called “Basques”.  Today we’re going to discuss one of them.  We’re going to take a look at Julio Jorge Olarticoechea, also called “El Vasco”, who’s originally from Saladillo, Buenos Aires province.

We’re doing this today because Radio Saladillo has done an interview with Agustín Di Benedetto, who has announced the upcoming publication of a book about this footballer, who made up part of the team that won Argentina the World Cup.

The story of a person beloved by many Argentines is going to finally be put to paper thanks to a taxi driver’s asking Agustín di Benedetto, who’s also originally from Saladillo.

This news was first published on Radio Saladillo’s website, Infosaladillo, and was written, curiously enough, by Ignacio Goñi.


Infosaladillo – 14/5/2016 – Argentina

El 11 de junio sale el libro de Agustín Di Benedetto “El Vasco de Saladillo”

Agustín Di Benedetto visitó los estudios de FM 90 para anunciar el inminente lanzamiento del libro sobre la historia del ex internacional Julio Jorge Olarticoechea a 30 años de la obtención del último titulo mundial de fútbol. Dijo que lo hizo porque le tiene una admiración especial tanto en lo personal como en lo futbolístico, “a mi me gusta escribir y un día en un taxi un chofer me pregunta de donde soy, le cuento que soy de Saladillo…

(Continue) (Automatic translation)

Last Updated on Dec 20, 2020 by About Basque Country

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