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Tag: Navarre

St. Francis Xavier: the Navarrese Saint who spoke in the “Biscayne”...

Representación de San Francisco Xabier
Today, December 3, is the feast day of St. Francis Xavier, as well as the Day of Navarre and the Day of the Basque...

Santi Lorente’s “Stories to Stay at Home (Los Cuentos del Confinamiento)”...

Santi Lorente  «Los cuentos del confinamiento»
Many of our readers got to enjoy their daily dose of "Tales to Stay at Home" during the quarantine period, all of which were...

Basque Chronicles: 700 Killed in La Ribera: the Three Months of...

Ramon Masats- Sanfermines Pamplona 1956. La tragedia y la barbarie convertida en juego
Santi Lorente is someone our regular readers will remember, thanks to the "Confinement Chronicles" he brought us throughout the first weeks of the pandemic,...

Víctor Zuluaga Gómez on the Nobility of the Basques: Better to...

Cartago Colombia
On our daily search for articles related to anything and everything Basque, we recently came across a Colombian publication, EJE 21, which has an opinion...

Suakai surprises us with this interactive video of his ‘ezpatadantza’. ...

Suakai ezpatadantza - video interactivo
For those of you who've been following us a while, especially those of you who, like us, are fans of Game of Thrones will remember...

A guide to Basque museums, to take “virtual tours” and plan...

Collage de museos vascos
Having to stay at home these days because of COVID-19 has given us some time to draw up a list of Basque museums that...

A Navarrese microbiologist puts the coronavirus into perspective. Less panic...

Coronavirus Covid-19
Ignacio López-Goñi is a Navarre-born microbiologist and scientist with a PhD in Biology from the University of Navarre.  The World Economic Forum has just published...

Preconceptions of “national essence” when discussing the Ezkuzta Magdalenian sticks

 Estado original de la varilla 3 en el momento de su descubrimiento (fotografía: Antxieta Arkeologia Taldea).
A few days ago, we came across an article on several sites about a study carried out by a group of Basque scientists on...

The legend of St. Michael of Aralar as told from the...

Santuario de San MIguel de Aralar
This article was translated by John R. Bopp We've been holding onto this one, looking forward to publishing it.  It's about an article by Carlos Evia Cervantes...

A study on ultra-processed foods by the University of Navarre is...

Estudio Universidad de navarra, sobre alimentos ultra-procesados. Foto: Pixabay
This article was translated by John R. Bopp It's been a while since we've blogged about anything scientific, so this study by the University of...