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Tag: image of the Basques

The new, Italian edition of ‘Obabakoak’ with a foreword by Bernardo...

Bernanrdo Atxaga, el escritor vasco, autor de Obabakoak. ©Xabier Idoate
La editorial 21Lettere acaba de publicar en Italia una nueva edición de Obabakoak de Bernardo Atxaga, el más importante escritor vasco vivo

The Ordination of Basque Passionist Jesús María Aristín as Bishop of...

Ordenación del Obispo de Yurimaguas
For many Basque patriots, for those who fought for freedom and democracy during the war that followed Franco's military coup and the 40 years...

Vitoria-Gasteiz, one of National Geographic’s 25 recommendations for 2021

La web de National Geographic  incluye a Vitoria-Gasteiz entre los 25 destinos recomendados en 2021.
The National Geographic website includes Vitoria-Gasteiz on its list of 25 recommendations for 2021, highlighting its history and culture

A very Basque Thanksgiving in Petaluma, California

Basque Thanksgiving in Petaluma
A California journalist specialized in gastronomy tells how and why they had a Basque Thanksgiving dinner

The Basque Country: building the “Culinary Nation”

Basque Culinary Center
The 'Fine Dining Lovers' website has just published an article analyzing the efforts that have gone into making the Basque Country the "Culinary Nation"

The Forbes review of the “Baztan Trilogy” by Basque author Dolores...

La versión cinematográfica de "La Trilogía del Baztán" de Dolores Redondo, emitida por netflix, comentada en Forbes
The Forbes website's review of the "Baztan Trilogy" by Basque author Dolores Redondo

Bizkaia Talent is a reference model at the City Nation Place...

City Nation Place Global Bizkaia Talent
Bizkaia Talent is a reference case study at the City Nation Place World Congress thanks to its management of territorial talent

The Havana street that still (in practice) bears the name of...

Zulueta se desarrolló y pobló con los años, se le llamó así en 1874. Foto: gprunamilanes/Pinterest.
One of the main streets in Havana, Agramonte, is still known by its original name, Zulueta, a Basque slave trader who moved to Cuba

“Artzaina”: the Basque hamburger that Hélène Darroze is making for home...

Hambirguesa Jóia de Hélène Darroze
Hélène Darroze has prepared a series of "take away" hamburgers at her Joià restaurant in Paris

Presenting the Summary Video for the Day of the Diaspora 2020

Día de la Diaspora 2020. Las mujeres han sido en Euzkadi y en el mundo l fuerza que ha unido a nuestra nación
The Basque Government has just debuted the video summarizing the contributions of the Basque community abroad to the celebration of the 2020 Day of the Basque Diaspora