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Tag: Basques in the Americas

Basque group Kalakan visits Argentina and Uruguay to bring them their...

Kalakan's music spans three part chants, folk and dance music, to purely percussive interludes, mainly with roots in traditional Basque music, while borrowing rhythms and ideas from other cultures such as Brazil. -- PHOTO: THE ESPLANADE
This article was translated by John R. Bopp Basque group Kalakan is starting a tour on November 7th that will take them to a part of...

“The Basque Sheepherder”, a jewel of a documentary on VHS that’s...

Un fotograma del documental "The Basque Sheepherder" realizado a principios de los años 70
This article was translated by John R. Bopp We must thank the person who keeps the JP BIARRITZ YouTube channel running, and for sharing this jewel of...

“Western Horseman” talks to us about the very current history of...

Basque Sheep Herder - Oregon Historical Society Research Library bb003838
This article was translated by John R. Bopp The website of “Western Horseman” has a long, detailed, and very interesting article dedicated to the Basque presence...

Tecnalia engineers analyze the effects of the earthquake Ecuador suffered last...

Los ingenieros de la empresa vasca Tecnalia realizaron un recorrido por Manta para inspeccionar los edificios dañados por el terremoto que afectó a la ciudad manabita. Foto: cortesía
  This article was translated by John R. Bopp Five engineers from Basque company Tecnalia (an old friend to the blog) have visited the Ecuadorian city of...

The Basque who opened the first candy store in Buenos Aires,...

foto de la antigua fábrica Noel, una de las grandes productoras del dulce, que producía en 1910, 40.000 kgs.de dulce de membrillo por día. Situada en Defensa y Cochabamba de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Foto copiada de la web Filosofia de Sabor que a la que a su vez se la ha cedido Buenos Aires Antiguo
This article was translated by John R. Bopp This is one of those “Basque stories” that always leaves us with our jaw dropped, and, like so...

“Chancellor” Vitico from Argentina: “You Don’t Understand the Miracle of Being...

Vitico Bereciartua para la entrevista de Mad House
This article was translated by John R. Bopp We’ve spoken about the Basque presence in Argentina many times, and about its fundamental role in building this...

An American who “cooks Basque” introduces pintxos to Canadians

entrevista txikito en el National Post. Fotografía Penny De Los Santos
This article was translated by John R. Bopp Canadian daily National Post has published a full interview by Laura Brehaut of Alexandra Raij, in which she...

Careful!  This blog by a Basque and an Italian who are...

Cycloterapy acampada en Salar de Uyuni Bolivia
This article was translated by John R. Bopp Aitor Galdos and Evelin Heuschreck are traveling Argentina from north to south.  They started in La Quiaca, near...

Folklife Festival 2016: When Basque Culture Took Over the American Capital

This article was translated by John R. Bopp Our regular readers will already know that between June 29 and July 10, the heart of the American...

Olarticoechea: a book protagonist, Argentine, footballer, national team selector, and Basque.

Julio Jorge Olarticoechea, seleccionador del equipo olímpico de futbol de Argentina en las Olimpiadas 2016
  This article was translated by John R. Bopp A month ago, on this blog we talked about a biography about an Argentine footballer who was known...