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Tag: Basque music

A Mexican and a Basque record a music video for “Txoria-Txori”...

Sonia de los Santos (Mikel Mecon)
This article was translated by John R. Bopp Sonia de los Santos is an actress and singer (with a talent for children’s music) who was born...

Zorionak eta Urte Berri On.  With Basque carols from Cambridge, and...

Eguzkilorea. Senpere, Lapurdi. Euskal Herria. Stemless carline thistle or Silver thistle. Saint-Pée-sur-Nivelle, Labourd. Basque Country. ( Garuna bor-bor)
This article was translated by John R. Bopp 2016 is coming to an end, and it seems like 2017 might be a bit better.  We don’t...

What music are we Basques listening to?  Not the same music...

Spotify Cities nos muestra lo que se oye en ese servicio de música on-line en numerosas ciudades a lo largo del mundo
This article was translated by John R. Bopp Spotify is a streaming music service that has revolutionized the market, and the primary means of accessing music...

Elai-Alai and Eresoinka: A People’s Culture against the Barbarism of Fascism

This article was translated by John R. Bopp We’re in a time of commemorations.  As you might expect, we’re referring to the 80th anniversary of those...

The Basque-Irish connection. The Navarrese who sing to Northern Ireland from...

Puro Relajo. Balada Nord-Irlandaise
This article was translated by John R. Bopp About a year ago we (once again) broke our rules and wrote about a Navarrese group named. Puro...

When the music of the “Basque barbarians” was heard in the...

This article was translated by John R. Bopp For generations, we Basques have been raised with the idea that our culture, and its manifestations, were basic,...

Basque group Kalakan visits Argentina and Uruguay to bring them their...

Kalakan's music spans three part chants, folk and dance music, to purely percussive interludes, mainly with roots in traditional Basque music, while borrowing rhythms and ideas from other cultures such as Brazil. -- PHOTO: THE ESPLANADE
This article was translated by John R. Bopp Basque group Kalakan is starting a tour on November 7th that will take them to a part of...

The Mundaka Festival is back!  Are you going to miss it?

This article was translated by John R. Bopp A year ago (how time flies), we announced the start of a very special festival in Mundaka.  Back...

A tribute to Maurice Ravel, “a Basque hidden from the view...

Maurice Ravel compositor vasco nacido en Ciboure (Lapurdi)
This post could have also been entitled: Maurice Ravel: the Basque composer who believed in his country   Maurice Ravel, one of the greatest composers of...

Today, the Basques go out to sing to Saint Agatha, and...

Celebración Santa Águeda 2016
  This article was translated by John R. Bopp This time every year, on the eve of St. Agatha’s Day, all around the Land of the Basques,...