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Tag: Basque music

Two sacred traditions in the Northern Basque Country: singing and playing...

Cantantes populares en Iparralde
This article was translated by John R. Bopp We found this on NewsVideo, a Russian website which collects current events videos.  It's an amazing report by France24 about...

Zorionak eta Urte Berri On, with Basque carols from Cambridge and...

Eguzkilorea. Senpere, Lapurdi. Euskal Herria. Stemless carline thistle or Silver thistle. Saint-Pée-sur-Nivelle, Labourd. Basque Country. ( Garuna bor-bor)
This article was translated by John R. Bopp 2018 is coming to a close, and we didn't want these days to go by without sending greetings...

Trikitixa and a defense for equality in a Basque wedding in...

Emigrantes vascos en Wyoming. fotografía del libro Buffalotarrak de David Romtvedt
This article was translated by John R. Bopp David Romtvedt is a university professor, poet, musician, and writer.  He’s from Wyoming, and lives in Buffalo, in...

A Basque lullaby heard at the Chicago Planetarium

Amaia Gabantxo interviniendo en el Planetarium de Chicago
This article was translated by John R. Bopp Amaia Gabantxo never ceases to pleasantly surprise us.  At this rate, we’re going to have to make up...

Argentine National Radio remembers Basque singer-songwriter (and so much more) Mezo...

Mezo Bigarrena
This article was translated by John R. Bopp We’ve said it so many times: one of the things that we most enjoy about writing this blog...

Iruña/Pamplona 2017: “We are Basque”, Gora San Fermin! (video)

plaza de toros de Iruña "Gu euskaldunak gara"
This article was translated by John R. Bopp As always happens, Pamplona’s San Fermín festival has taken over the international media.  Every year we get the...

2017 The Mundaka Festival is back! Are you going...

Mundaka Festival 2017
Ya vuelve, qué rápido pasa el tiempo. Estamos en el mes de julio y ya está "llamando a nuestras puertas" la nueva edición de un...

French public television pays homage to Eresoinka this Sunday

This article was translated by John R. Bopp How excited are we!  This is a year of commemorations.  Most of them are due to the disasters...

Kantari, an app that puts over 500 popular Basque songs on...

France Bleu habla de la aplicación para móviles Kantari
This article was translated by John R. Bopp We found this on the blog Balade du Pays Basque, which in turn is citing information found on...

“I Raise My Glass to Those who are No Longer With...

Los niños de la escuela de Agurain. Un ejemplo de la generación que se convertiría en nuestros padres o nuestros abuelos.
This article was translated by John R. Bopp It’s at times like these that many of us stop to dedicate a few moments to think back...