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Tag: Basque music

A concert, with works by Arriaga, from the Amadeus Orcehstra at...

Juan Crisóstomo de Arriaga
The Amadeus Chamber Orchestra on Cultura Musical 91.1 FM has put on a concert at the Laurak Bat Center in Buenos Aires, where it is rehearsing

Emiliana de Zubeldia and Ravel in the Batura Concert Series in...

Emiliana de Zubeldia pianista vasca en México
A new concert of music by composers of the Basque diaspora at the second edition of the Batura series.

The second “Batura Zikloa”, rescuing forgotten music in the diaspora, starts...

The 2nd Batura Zikloa, sharing the works of Basque composers who emigrated to the Americas and honed their craft there, starts this Sunday

The future of Basque culture is “dancing” out west

Los más jóvenes bailando en el Elko’s National Basque Festival 2021
Some videos from Elko's National Basque Festival show how the future our country's culture is alive and well in the world

Basque dancing at La Concha to the sound of Scottish bagpipes

Un grupo de jóvenes realizan unos pasos de euskal dantza al ritmo de una canción popular vasca interpretada pro el gaitero escocés, afincado en Donostia / San Sebastián, Alan Joseph Kennedy
A group of young Basques in San Sebastian improvise a Basque dance while accompanied by Scottish bagpiper Alan Joseph Kennedy

A documentary about the Basques in Bakersfield presented by The Smithsonian

Festival de Cine Lengua Materna THE EIGHTH PROVINCE
The Mother Tongue Film Festival, put on by The Smithsonian, is showing a documentary about the Basques in Bakersfield

St. Agatha 2021: sorely missed but still in our hearts (video)

This year, the St. Agatha's Day choirs will not be roaming the streets of the Land of the Basques (which is wherever Basques are), but the tradition is still alive in our hearts

Zorionak eta Urte Berri On 2021

AboutBC Zorionak_2021
2020 has been a difficult year, to say the least.  Definitely more surviving than thriving.  At the end of 2019, we said: "We hope 2020...

The accordion is strengthening the Basque community in Idaho, helping to...

Ansotegui’s band, Amuma Says No, performed at the Idaho Botanical Gardens in August.
Boise State Public Radio (part of the NPR network) has published an article by Arlie Sommer discussing the power of music and dance as integrating...

Discover the Basque music collected by the North American Basque Organizations

Mikaela Goicoechea recursos musicales Nabasque
The North American Basque Organizations (NABO) was started in 1973 with the goal of joining together all the Basque centers in the United States and...