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Tag: Basque gastronomy

“Artzaina”: the Basque hamburger that Hélène Darroze is making for home...

Hambirguesa Jóia de Hélène Darroze
Hélène Darroze has prepared a series of "take away" hamburgers at her Joià restaurant in Paris

“The Next 50” seeks to honor the youth shaping the future...

50 Next
We've brought you many articles on The World’s 50 Best Restaurants, which brings us that list every year, and where we can find Basque cuisine...

Do the different types of cabernet grapes come from the Basque...

Racimo de Cabernet Franc
We've talked on more than one occasion about Basque wines, from Irulegi to the Rioja Alavesa, from Navarre to the coastal txakolis, but in...

Irish Public Television visits San Sebastian to talk about Basque cuisine...

Catherine Fulvio (left) with Linda Kennedy, who is based in Crookhaven, West Cork, in Tastes Like Home on RTE1 on Monday
Irish public television (RTÉ) has a show called Tastes Like Home where Irish chef, presenter, and author Catherine Fulvio travels the world meeting people...

Three articles about the Basque Country: from the Basque Coast to...

Ezpeleta (besidestheobvious.net)
The travel website Besides the Obvious is written by a couple who have decided to take a stroll through our country this very special year...

The incredible spread of the ‘gazta-tarta’: the San Sebastian-born cheesecake is...

kitchen aid   Basque burnt cheesecake
In 2019, we had the opportunity, on several occasions, to write about the interest the gazta-tarta, created in the kitchen at the La Viña Restaurant in San...

The 2020 Basque Culinary World Prize has a winner: José Andrés

Jose Andres Bahamas credit BCC-kp8H-U3200813455047J0F-656x492@Corriere-Web-Sezioni
We've had the pleasure of speaking, quite a bit, about the Basque Culinary World Prize.  And we've done so because it is one of...

A Basque hamburger recipe that takes us to the heart of...

hamburguesa vasca con productos de maison petricorena
We shall never tire of saying it, over and over: the border does not divide us, but it does separate us.  This play on...

The BBC and the Basque barbecuing tradition, when nothing more needs...

BBC Travel: Where barbecue culture began?
On June 30, the BBC Travel website published an article by Ben Underwater about the Basque tradition of barbecuing. After reading it thoroughly, we could...

“Haizea” A Basque Breeze Taking Us from SoHo to the Zeeland...

The chef Mikel de Luis of Haizea.Credit...Brittainy Newman/The New York Times
We've said it before: there are times when it seems like coincidences line up it ways that seem to be more than coincidences.  Otherwise,...