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Tag: Basque diaspora

Euskaletxeak.net: 30,000 photographs of the Basque Diaspora, catalogued and available

El Lehendakari Aguirre en Chile
This article was translated by John R. Bopp Euskaletxeak.net is a a must-visit website to get to know everything the Basque diaspora has done around the...

Uncovering Borges: ignorant, racist, Pinochet admirer, and hateful of the Basques

Jorge Luis Borges
This article was translated by John R. Bopp Jorge Luis Borges is a writer we’ve always found attractive, probably because his works, especially his stories, have...

The launch of the book “WE ARE BASQUE-ARGENTINES” which discusses key...

Josu Legarreta y Magdalena Mignaburu en el VI. Congreso Mundial de Colectividades Vascas (Fotografía: Euskalkultura)
This article was translated by John R. Bopp This book, “We Are Basque-Argentines: Getting our Historical Memory Back”, is the culmination of the research of Magdalena...

The Basque Diaspora can use “eLiburutegia,” the electronic book lending service...

Acto de la presentación de eLiburutegia
This article was translated by John R. Bopp We read the news and we thought it was a great idea, and that it was such interesting news...

From Argentina: “The Basque priest who chose to live with the...

Justo Hilario Irazabal el "Cura Vasco"
This article was translated by John R. Bopp There are times, fortunately many times, that we find ourselves with people who give us back our faith...

What the Basque presence at the Folklife Festival in Washington will...

Una de las imágenes que sobre los vascos se utilizan en la web del Folklife Festival
This article was translated by John R. Bopp Since the day they announced that Basque Culture was going to be the guest of honor at the...

A Chilean documentary on Alzheimer’s: “I’m not from here (Chile)…I’m from...

Josebe Echaveguren exiliada vasca en Chile y protagonista del Documental "Yo no soy de aquí"
  Costa Rican daily El País has a report on the documentary “I’m not from here”, directed by Chilean Maite Alberdi and Lithuanian Giedre Zickytèque,...

“Nevada Days” Atxaga runs into his homeland 5,500 miles from home

Crítica al libro de Bernardo Atxaga,, "Días de Necvda" en el diario suizo Le temps
This article was translated by John R. Bopp The Swiss daily Le Temps has just published an interesting article by Isabelle Rüf that analyzesBernardo Atxaga’s book...

A book about a Basque from Saladillo, Argentina

Agustín Di Benedetto autor del libro sobre Julio Olarticoechea, el "Vasco de Saladillo"
This article was translated by John R. Bopp A while back, one of those “anti-Basque satellites” that occasionally pops up in the social network of this...

Another book in Basque published in Argentina

Se presentó el libro bilingüe editado por Centro Vasco Chivilcoy
This article was translated by John R. Bopp The Basque-Argentine Center “Beti Aurrera” (Always Forward”) in Chivilcoy, Buenos Aires province, Argentina, has just completed a project...