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Tag: Basque Culture

Contributions of the Basque Exiles to Mexican Architecture…Or Something Else Francoism...

Arturo Sáenz de la Calzada. Librería de Cristal in the canopies of the Palacio de Bellas Artes, Mexico City, 1940. © Saénz de la Calzada Aguado family Archive. Courtesy of Juan Ignacio del Cueto Ruiz-Funes.
A while back, we wrote an article about the contributions made in Venezuela by Basque architects who had been forced to feel the dictatorship...

Discover the Basque music collected by the North American Basque Organizations

Mikaela Goicoechea recursos musicales Nabasque
The North American Basque Organizations (NABO) was started in 1973 with the goal of joining together all the Basque centers in the United States and...

The Day of the Basque Diaspora: The Lehendakari commits to all...

Acto oficial del Día de la Diáspora Vasca 2020
Yesterday, September 8, the institutional event for the third annual Day of the Basque Diaspora was held with a live speech by Lehendakari Iñigo Urkullu,...

Day of the Basque Diaspora 2020. An impassioned Passionist...

Mensaje del Obispo del Vicariato de Yurimaguas, Jesús María Aristín, en el Día de la Diáspora Vasca 2020. jpg
As we mentioned in the blog entry where we presented the events that will be held in the Day of the Basque Diaspora 2020, the...

The celebration of this year’s Day of the Diaspora will be...

Día de la Diáspora Vasca 2020
Given the trying times brought upon us by COVID-19, the third Day of the Diaspora, which is held on September 8, is going to be...

Santi Lorente’s “Stories to Stay at Home (Los Cuentos del Confinamiento)”...

Santi Lorente  «Los cuentos del confinamiento»
Many of our readers got to enjoy their daily dose of "Tales to Stay at Home" during the quarantine period, all of which were...

From the Basque Country to the World: AC/DC’s “Highway to Hell”...

txistuman en su balcón
We are quite clear on the fact that the months spent in confinement allowed us to look through windows many people opened up to...

Zuberoa Aznárez from the Roncal: a lullaby from Zuberoa and a...

Zuberoa Aznárez LO HADI AINGÜRÜA
Here on the blog, every so often we enjoy bringing you Basque songs and groups that in we've some way found interesting. We did so...

The Basque Roots of Catalonia

El mapa más antiguo que se conserva de la cordillera pirenaica (1482) / Fuente: Cartoteca de Catalunya
Today, in their History section, the Catalan digital daily El Nacional has published an amazing article by Marc Pons taking a great look at the...

Basque classes in Villa María, Argentina: “Basque opens up a whole...

Every time we get some news from our compatriots in South America, we're always happy.  We always get the impression that the media doesn't...