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Tag: Basque cider

A Basque cider festival in Brooklyn. Sagar Handia Fest 2024 at...

Sagar Handia Fest 2024 New Yrok
On March 17, the New York Basque Center will be hosting the 2024 Sagar Handia Fest in Brooklyn

Basque cider is to have the first cross-border designation of origin...

Euskal Sagardoa/Sidra del País Vasco, Cidre du País Basque/Euskal Sagarnoa. denominación transfronteriza
Basque cider is to have the first cross-border designation of origin in Europe and will incorporate all Basque territories

‘The Guardian’ covers craft cider making in the US and references...

Peter Yi, owner of Brooklyn Cider House. Photograph- YCOMSPACE:Courtesy of Brooklyn Cider House
The influence of Basque hard cider on craft producers is something we've discussed many times. Now, 'The Guardian' joins us

National Geographic: cider’s key role in the history of the Basques

La sidra se escancia de un barril en la Sidrería Barkaiztegi, donde la misma familia ha producido sidra desde 1680.  FOTOGRAFÍA DE AGEFOTOSTOCK, ALAMY STOCK PHOTO
National Geographic has published an article on their website about the key role cider has played in Basque culture, society, and economy over the centuries

Txapela, the natural Basque cider being made in Argentina

Txapela, la sidra vasca de Argentina
The Argentine daily Rio Negro (which we've cited before on many occasions) has just published an article by Jorge Tanos discussing the story of...

From California: Basque cider is delicious and full of history

Readers Digest  artículo sobre sidrerías vascas
This article was translated by John R. Bopp Suzanne Henricksen is the heart and soul of The Crafty Cask, a website about beverages that has dedicated a...

Readers Digest has published a splendid article on Basque cider

Readers Digest  artículo sobre sidrerías vascas
This article was translated by John R. Bopp It's clear that Basque cider is becoming a hot topic worldwide.  We've already got quite a good collection...

Txapela, the Basque cider made in Argentina from Patagonian apples

Sidra vasca hecha en Patagonia
This article was translated by John R. Bopp Puntobiz, the Argentine business website, has just introduced a cider made from Patagonian apples that is 100% Basque. That...

“Basajaun” takes the spirit of Basque cider from Gipuzkoa to Oregon

Jasper Smith, Son of Man owner, at the Cascade Locks cidery. (Michael Alberty)
This article was translated by John R. Bopp This is not the first time we've talked about the interest for and presence of Basque-style cider in...

‘New York Times’: Cider in the Basque Country is a pleasure,...

At Petritegi, as at other cider houses, how you fill your glass is an essential skill.CreditDaniel Rodrigues for The New York Times
This article was translated by John R. Bopp The New York Times is once again dedicating an article to us, this time, in their Travel section, penned...