Joanna Foster es la fundadora Fabtic una empresa, con sede en Londres, especializada en el comportamiento de los niños para provocar incendios.
Hoy hablamos de ella porque ha compartido un tuit que nos ha encantado y que nos ha dado la pista fundamental para descubrir una historia que nos parece preciosa.
Very proud to see #Aberystwyth flying the flags of minority nations on the promenade of its North Beach
It aims to raise interest in the lesser known nations of #Europe which do not have a state of their own
It turns out that Aberystwyth, a beautiful seaside town in Wales (a country we’ve spoken about on numerous occasions thanks to the multiple historical and cultural links between us, including the ones created when they took in many of the Basque War Children), has a magnificent seaside promenade lined with the flags of many countries. On the south promenade, we can find the flags of states that are not internationally recognized. But since 1990, we can also find the flags of many stateless nations in Europe lining the city’s north promenade.
As Ceredigion County Councilman Alun Williams blogged in 2015, the reason for this can be found in the pamphlet originally printed when these national flags were hoisted:
“When a Welsh person visits another country it is often the case that a display of flags is encountered adorning some public building or space. More often than not the Red Dragon of Wales is not found amongst them. Realising that inhabitants of minority nations throughout Europe probably experience similar disappointments, the District Council of Ceredigion has resolved that as many as possible of the flags of Europe’s minority nations should be flown at Aberystwyth every summer.”
Interestingly, three of the flags that were first hoisted on the north promenade have been moved to the south. These would belong to Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia. This makes it clear that, while some may be oblivious to or try to hide this fact, it still remains true: borders are neither eternal nor changeless.
An informational sign explains what stateless nations these flags belong to, and also highlights the ones that are waving on a given day (as there are more stateless nations than flagpoles, the flags are rotated).
Flags of stateless nations in Aberystwyth (source: vexillology)
They are accompanied by the following explanation:
The Flags at Aberystwyth The display of flags on Aberystwyth north promenade has attracted much interest since it was first introduced in 1990. This display represents the current richness and cultural diversity of Europe.
Europe has witnessed many changes since the flags were first flown in Aberystwyth and this display comprises of flags of minority European nations or states with their own languages. They represent many varied parts of Europe, some more familiar than others and, coupled with the flags on display along the south promenade, they offer a special opportunity for residents and visitors alike to expand their knowledge of the nations of the world.
The display of flags is based on research conducted by Mercator Institute for Media, Languages and Culture, Aberystwyth University on behalf of Ceredigion County Council.
From time to time there arises a need to change individual flags and there is no significance attached to the fact that some flags may not be flown at such times.
And we think it’s worth highlighting that the Mercator Institute for Media, Languages and Culture at the University of Aberystwyth has spent 30 years working in the fields of minority (or minoritzed) languages in Europe, international cultural exchange, literary translation, and political analysis.
Joanna Foster. Ikurriña on the North Promenade in Aberystwyth
We really liked that Joanna Foster chose the Ikurriña, the flag of the Basques, to show her pride, because these flags of nations with as much history as Europe fly in Aberystwyth. She even shared an especially beautiful photo.
We also feel proud, and quite happy and pleased, that this Welsh town has chosen to bring to light and to value so many stateless nations that are not in charge of their own destinies in Europe today. It’s disconcerting to see so many in a Europe that should be able to be a “United Europe of free peoples” and not a “club of states,” something outlined by Lehendakari Aguirre in what would be called the “Aguirre Doctrine.”
Perhaps a Basque town, on the coast or not, in any of our seven territories, might join in with Aberystwyth and do the same thing.
Alun Williams – 7/6/2015 – Wales
Renewal of Aberystwyth’s small nation flags
It’s very common to see the flags of various long-established nations fluttering in the breeze on the promenades of seaside towns, like those on Aberystwyth’s South Prom. However, since 1990, the town’s North Prom has also displayed the flags of twenty European stateless nations and peoples.