That’s how the Association for Project Management (APM) has defined it when they included in on their list of the fifty most inspiring projects in the last fifty years.  The APM has just published these “50 projects for a better future” to celebrate their 50th anniversary.

Over 600 projects were presented by the members of the association, and winning projects were chosen based on the transformation they’ve had on society, the economy, and the environment since the association was founded five decades ago.  The fifty chosen projects encompass iconic structures from all over the world, including the fields of construction and engineering, technology, health and education, sports and nature, and arts and media.

The AMP is the only association that has over 35,000 individuals and 450 organizations participating in their Corporate Association Program.

The Bilbao Guggenheim Museum is included in the Sports, media, and art projects and the accompanying text focuses on what this blog has said many times, not only about the success of the Bilbao Guggenheim Museum itself, but also the urban transformation project of the whole Bilbao metro area: “However, political continuity over the course of the project and, in Gehry, an architect who listened to the client proved a winning combination.”

A summarized version of the keys that Richard Armstrong, the Director of the Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation, laid out when explaining the success of the Bilbao Guggenheim Museum ten years ago: “Money, combined with a strong political will and the desire to reinvent the Basque Country.”

APM – 13/6/2022 – Great Britain

50 projects for a better future

Projects come in all shapes and sizes. They have different goals and outcomes. But ultimately they exist to deliver positive change. And that’s their power. In our 50th year, as part of our celebrations, we have produced a list of 50 inspiring projects from the last five decades to showcase the impact and positive benefit that projects and the project profession have on society.

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Last Updated on Jun 14, 2022 by About Basque Country

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