This article was translated by John R. Bopp

Today, we’re bringing you one of those article about the Basques that make us especially happy.  Why?  Because it brings together several elements we are especially fond of.

It’s an article in New York Times, which is a newspaper we never tire of calling a “friend of the Basques”, not because they always speak well of us, but because they get their own information directly, rather than what is filtered through certain media and institutions.

The article, which can be found in the Travel section, comes from the “36 Hours in…” series, and this time, is about Biarritz.  The newspaper is especially sensitive to the Basque historical and cultural reality, and is always very careful to remind its readers that the Basques and their territory extend to both sides of the Pyrenees.  We’ve already spoken about other articles about Basque cities in this series (San Sebastian here and here; Bilbao here).

Plus, this article was written by Ingrid K. Williams, a journalist who specializes in trips; we’ve already talked about some of her articles about the Land of the Basques.

It is definitely good news that this article was published, because it helps people around the world (and in the Basque Country) get to know this special part of our country better.

When we read this article, the only thing that we would like to add is that the coincidences one finds in the cuisine or pintxos of Biarritz isn’t due to the “proximity to Spain”, but rather to the fact that it is the Basque Country, and all Basques like pintxos, regardless of which side of the Pyrenees they’re on.  Honestly, the “foreign” influences on the Basque cuisine found in Biarritz would be due to what is called French cuisine, which, like Spanish cuisine, is not a homogeneous gastronomy, but the sum of a large number of different regional and local gastronomies.

The New York Times – 18/5/2017 – USA

36 Hours in Biarritz

Just as surf patterns ebb and flow with the seasons, so too has Biarritzcycled in and out of fashion over the years. The French resort town, about 15 miles up the Atlantic coast from the border with Spain, hit a peak in the 1950s when California surf culture was introduced to Europe on its sandy beaches.


A view of Biarritz at sunset, © Markel Redondo for ‘The New York Times’



Last Updated on Dec 20, 2020 by About Basque Country

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