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Tag: Vascos en America

Lehendakari Aguirre’s first tour of the Americas: 76 years of a...

El Lehendakari Aguirre
This article was translated by John R. Bopp When Lehendakari Aguirre started his tour of Latin America in 1942, it was hard to imagine a worse...

The song by a Peruvian singer-songwriter that we recorded under the...

"el Árbol" de Lino Bolaños Baldassari grabada bajo el Árbol de Gernika
This article was translated by John R. Bopp We've had the chance to talk a lot lately about the Brotherhood of Our Lady of Aranzazu of Lima,...

From Mexico: an educational tradition of Basque origin turns 250 years...

This article was translated by John R. Bopp We have noticed sometimes that there's a tendency for the stories that reach the blog to group together...

Closing a nearly five-century old circle: a ‘novena’ of the Basques...

Virgen de Arantzazu
This article was translated by John R. Bopp A few days ago, we dedicated a longer article to the Brotherhood of the Virgen of Arantzazu of...

February 13: 406 years of the foundation of the Brotherhood of...

Oglesia de San Franciso de Lima. Donde se encuentra la Capilla y la Boveda de la Hermandad de Arantzazu de Lima
This article was translated by John R. Bopp Updated June 16, 2019: The Constitution of the Arantzazu Euzko Etxea of Lima (at the end of the...

Martín de Murua, the Basque who wrote about the Incas of...

Tomado de la obra Códice Murúa: Historia y genealogía de los reyes incas del Perú del padre mercedario fray Martín de Murúa: códice Galvin (2004 [1590]). En el brazo del personaje se puede leer: "Vila Oma" y en la pierna del mismo: "El gran pontífice del Inga"; ambas inscripciones dan cuenta de la alta jerarquía del individuo, la cual se ve a su vez reforzada mediante el uso de la diadema en forma de media luna, el brazalete o chipana, bastón de mando y el adorno de barbilla.
This article was translated by John R. Bopp Jorge Paredes Laos has just published an interesting article in the Peruvian daily El Comercio about the life...

Louis’ Basque Corner, the Basque restaurant in Reno, Nevada, turns 50

Louis' Basque Corner dinners and lunches are served family style — Photo courtesy of David Calvert / Louis' Basque Corner
This article was translated by John R. Bopp USA Today’s 10Best website compiles for its readers “things to see and do, and restaurants for top destinations...

Tonight, a “Basque” girl could be Miss Canada World 2017!

Just over a year ago, we told you about the passing of Elsie Basque, a woman who belonged to the Mi’kmaq nation, one of...

The Basque exile who made Caracas the world capital of soccer

This article was translated by John R. Bopp The stories we hear about Basques around the world never cease to amaze us.  Just when we’d thought...

Have some milk, Basque style.  A story of Basques in Buenos...

This article was translated by John R. Bopp Argentine daily Clarín has published an article by Eduardo Parise in its “Secret Buenos Aires” section that is...