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Tag: Navarre

Game of Thrones: The Basque Coast is one of the “centers...

Zumaia flysch coast at sunset, Euskadi (DAVID GONZÁLEZ REBOLLO VÍA GETTY IMAGES)
This article was translated by John R. Bopp The Huffington Post has just published an article explaining how the incredible natural scenery that was on display...

Iruña/Pamplona 2017: “We are Basque”, Gora San Fermin! (video)

plaza de toros de Iruña "Gu euskaldunak gara"
This article was translated by John R. Bopp As always happens, Pamplona’s San Fermín festival has taken over the international media.  Every year we get the...

Recommendations for enjoying part of the Basque Country on the Ryanair...

Un articulo con pistas para disfrutar la Comunidad Autónoma del País Vasco en el blog de Ryanair
This article was translated by John R. Bopp Ryanair has just started flying between Vitoria-Gasteiz and Germany, Italy, and the Canary Islands.  These new itineraries were...

An original blend from Australia: Navarres rosé and Indian food

En Harpers Bazaar se propone el rosado navarro para acompañar a la comida india (o viceversa)
This article was translated by John R. Bopp We found a curious article on the website for the Australian edition of lifestyle magazine Harper’s Bazaar, penned...

A German-language documentary about (Upper) Navarre (video)

Un documental del canal público en alemán SAT3 en el que se hace un recorrido de "punta a unta" a la Comunidad Foral de Navarra
This article was translated by John R. Bopp German-language public satellite and cable channel, SAT3, made up of the public TV networks of Germany, Austria, and...

A trip through the Italian peninsula by Navarrese rabbi and traveler...

Grabado que representa a Benjamin de Tudela
  This article was translated by John R. Bopp The website Italia Mediavale has just published an article on the launch of Peter Hubscher’s new book Beniamino...

An (imcomplete) guide to Basque wines (it’s missing Rioja from Alava,...

Artículo sobre los vinos vascos (sobre el txakoli) en el blog the Back Label
  This article was translated by John R. Bopp Camille Berry has written an article dedicated to “wines of the Basque Country” on the blog The Black...

The Basque-Irish connection. The Navarrese who sing to Northern Ireland from...

Puro Relajo. Balada Nord-Irlandaise
This article was translated by John R. Bopp About a year ago we (once again) broke our rules and wrote about a Navarrese group named. Puro...

The Guardian and Lonely Planet: the Basque backgrounds for “Game of...

Paisaje de las Bardenas Reales Navarra (Fotografía Inigo Cia - Getty Images)
This article was translated by John R. Bopp The sixth season of “Game of Thrones” has just started on HBO.  This series, which has hooked half...

The oldest map in Western Europe discovered in a cave in...

Explicacion del mapa más antiguo de Europa encontrado en una cueva de Navarra
We’d like to bring to you today a piece of news that was published before this blog existed, but which we think is extraordinarily...