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The GOe Project (Gastronomy Open Ecosystem) has a winner: the Bjarke...

GOe – Gastronomy Open Ecosystem proyecto ganador  BIG (BJARKE INGELS GROUP)
We now know the winner of the Gastronomy Open Ecosystem, promoted by the Basque Culinary Center, to start in 2024

Basque Culinary Center awarded by Europe for having the best initiative...

Proyección del anuncio del BCC como ganador ganador en la  EEPA 2021
The Basque Culinary Center's Culinary Action! has been given an award by the European Commission as the best initiative to promote the entrepreneurial spirit in Europe

A young Basque woman has created a baby clothing rental company

Tara Chanseau et Tatou
Tara Chanseau, a 23-year-old Basque from near Bayonne, has set up Tatou, a company that "rents" clothes to newborns during their first year

“Africa Basque Challenge” A brilliant cooperative project between Kenya and the...

Africa Basque Challenge primera edicion 1
This article was translated by John R. Bopp Thanks to an African website, we've discovered the existence of a very special project, exactly the kind that...

Financial incentives to get back our talent and to support innovation

Jornada de Bizkaia Talent en Boston
This article was translated by John R. Bopp We've been blogging about the Innova Fund a lot recently.  It's a project run by the Biscay provincial government whose...

A different focus on Bilbao from British Airways

Bilbao British Airways
  This article was translated by John R. Bopp British Airlines publishes a magazine, Business Life, which can be found on all the local and short-distance flights...

Do we Basques need to take a closer look at our...

Universidad de Navarra
This article was translated by John R. Bopp Last August, the Academic ranking of World Universities (ARWU) for 2017 was published, and it placed the University...

From Italy: Biscay, a place with high quality of life, where...

Sede de la Diputación foral de Bizkaia
This article was translated by John R. Bopp The Innovation section of Corriere della Sera has just published an article about the “Innova Fund” plan, led...

BBC World shows off a new model for financing innovative projects...

This article was translated by John R. Bopp The BBC World Service, which reaches over 210 million people, broadcasts “Tech Tent”, which covers the latest global...

Professor Carlos Osorio: A look from Santiago de Chile/Boston at the...

Orona, un ejemplo del éxito de la Innovación vasca
This article was translated by John R. Bopp Carlos Osorio is a professor at Adolfo Ibáñez University, a private college in Chile.  He has one of...