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Tag: image of the Basques

In 1936, Iparralde was the Basque Country and its dancers waved...

Documental Euskadi (1936). Un grupo de dantzaris entran en Donibane Garazi ondeando la Ikurriña
This article was translated by John R. Bopp On many occasions, we’ve discussed how the truth is filtered through the the cracks that appear in the...

Mas Context dedicates an issue to the Transformation of Bilbao.  Today,...

Portada del número sobre Bilbao de la revista de Chicago Mas Context
This article was translated by John R. Bopp Quarterly magazine MAS Context is a non-profit organization founded in Illinois in 2009 to look into the debate...

San Sebastian, candidate for “Best European Destination 2017”–You can vote to...

Donostia candidata a European Best Destinations 2017
  This article was translated by John R. Bopp The website European Best Destinations has organized a vote among its visitors for the past eight years to...

The BBC explains the enormous influence the Bilbao Guggenheim has had...

Guggenheim Bilbao with Yves Klein's Fire Fountain artwork, 1961 (fabricated in 1997) | Photograph courtesy Guggenheim Bilbao
This article was translated by John R. Bopp The BBC Arts website has published an article penned by William Cook discussing the influence the Bilbao Guggenheim...

An iconic building is inaugurated in Germany, with positive references to...

Vista del exterior de la Filarmónica del Elba en Hamburgo, Alemania. La nueva sala de conciertos de la HafenCity se inaugurará el próximo 11 de enero.Foto: EFE
This article was translated by John R. Bopp The Elba Philharmonic Building, the spectacular concert hall complex in Hamburg, has just had its grand opening, as...

The Basque Country Automotive Cluster: one of the world leaders

El sector de la automoción es clave en la economía vasca
This article was translated by John R. Bopp Engineer Live, published by Setform Limited, has just published an article penned by Paul Boughton talking about clusters...

The Shanghai Daily talks about Eibar: “The Eibar example shows ‘another...

El diario chino Shanghai Daily recoge hoy en su dominical un artículo de AFP sobre la SD Eibar
  This article was translated by John R. Bopp This Sunday, January 8, which has reached China but is still just around the corner here in the...

The only Basque soccer team in the Spanish Premier League with...

Imagen de aficionados vascos
This article was translated by John R. Bopp Journalist Ian Hawkey has published an interesting article in the Irish daily The National in which he states...

The story of a sorgina written in the US, drawn by...

Una imagen de Firebrand la serie en comic que habla de las aventuras en Seattle de una sorgina educada en el País Vasco
This article was translated by John R. Bopp This is a fluke that could win a world championship.  We found out thanks to a report in...

Miguel Zugaza is back at the Bilbao Fine Arts Museum: the...

This article was translated by John R. Bopp Today, the world of (Basque, Spanish, and international) culture was surprised by the announcement made by the current...