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Tag: History of the Basques

Basques are from “the day before yesterday”, or science and populism

Imágen de una de las zonas de excavacion de Atapuerca
This article was translated by John R. Bopp Note: a few days after writing this, we couldn’t resist bringing back a story on another article in...

The story of Basque war children taken in in Newcastle

Niños Vascos de la Guerra acogidos en Newcastle
This article was translated by John R. Bopp This is the third in a series of three articles dedicated to the publications of Sarah Richardson in...

Today, they’re throwing a roof tile into the sea–a great day...

“Honaino heltzen dira Euskadiko itxuginak”
This article was translated by John R. Bopp Today in Bermeo, they’re celebrating the Magdalenas, a festival that has a very peculiar centerpiece. The mayor of...

The westernmost point of the contiguous United States is: Cape Alava!

Cabo Alava - Cape Alava
This article was translated by John R. Bopp Yes, you read it right, it’s not your imagination.  The westernmost point of the contiguous United States on...

We Propose a Symbolic and Necessary Act: The Inauguration of the...

We've spoken about the Monument to the Fueros standing before the Government House of Navarre on many occasions, and during these heady days of...

Basque cuisine, the “authentic regional cuisines” between the Rockies and the...

Pork Chops with garlic at the Star Hotel.
This article was translated by John R. Bopp H.D. Miller is the director of the History, Politics, and Philosophy Department at the Universidad de Lipscomb in...

Observing the “center of Hell”: two unpublished aerial photos of Guernica,...

We're bringing you this information even though it has not (yet) been published in any international media outlets due to its extraordinary historical value. Gernikazarra...

The Basques: A nation with a hijacked history, a people that...

Roslyn May Frank
This article was tranlated by Iustrans   In days like today, we have mixed feelings. On the one hand, we realize that we have large gaps...

100th anniversary of the birth of Orson Welles, friend of the...

Orson Welles niño
This article was tranlated by Iustrans Orson Welles was born 100 years ago in Kenosha (Wisconsin). He was born on the shores of Lake Michigan,...

A big step: Bilketa.eus. Boasting 100,000 documents available online about Basque...

Pastorale Charlemagne représentée par le village d'Ossas en 1925 (Musée Basque et de l'histoire de Bayonne)
  The Ville de Bayonne just launched a website that makes available to all Internet users more than 100,000 documents related to Basque culture. The service,...