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Tag: Great Britain

A “Basque-oriental” knife

Yes, that's how we could define this Basque Yatagan knife, which is the term given this tool by the British website Life Time Gear.  The...

A “Welsh Potato” helps the Basques during the Civil War

This article was translated by John R. Bopp We recently found a story in The Telegraph that seemed perfectly timed this year to celebrate the 75th...

Wooden Bicycles “Made in Euskadi”

We admit, we had no idea bicycles could be made out of wood.  That's why we were so surprised to come across this story...

Sir Winston Churchill’s holidays in the Northern Basque Country and his...

He paids us a visit in July of 1945, a few days after the fall of Berlin and the end of the European theater...

Video from The Guardian: The Mystery of the Basques

Video sobre los vascos y su lucha por conservar su identidad en The Guardian
This article was translated by John R. Bopp The Guardian suprises us yet again.  On this occasion, it’s a wonderful video about the Basques.  This British...